SPF Form
City of Miami Beach HVHZ Electronic Roof Permit Form
Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Permit Form
*Denotes required user inputs. If an item does not apply enter n/a in that line.
*Master Permit No. : *Job Address:
*Application Date: *Process Number:
*Polyurethane Foam "PUFF" Assembly Manufacturer Name:
*Product Approval Number (NOA):
Does this roof assembly comply with the requirements for a fire rating per the HVHZ Florida Building Code? *
* New Roof
* Reroof
* Other
*Slope: "/12"
*Roof Mean Height: ft.
*Roof Length: ft.
*Roof Width:
*Max. Design Pressure:
*Estimated Value: $
*Approved applicator letter submitted:
Yes No
*Deck Type:
Primer Coverage:
gal / 100 ft²
*Existing Roof (recovery only):
*Insulation / Barrier Board ( only if listed in the "Puff" NOA product approval ):
* Base/Anchor Sheet ( only if listed in the "Puff" NOA product approval ):
*Fastener Type for Base/Anchor Sheet Attachment:
*Fastener Type for Insulation Attachment:
*Fastener spacing for Base / Anchor Sheet attachment:
(1) Field:
" o/c @ laps & rows " o/c @ field of basesheet
(2) Perimeter: " o/c @ laps & rows " o/c @ field of basesheet
(3) Corners: " o/c @ laps & rows " o/c @ field of basesheet
*Number of Fasteners per Insulation / Barrier Board:
(1) Field:
(2) Perimeter: (3) Corners:
*Base Coat Polyurethane Foam:
*Base Coat Polyurethane Foam Coverage: " Minimum Thickness
*Top Coat Polyurethane Foam:
*Top Coat Polyurethane Foam Coverage: " Minimum Thickness
*Polyurethane Foam Protective Coating / Surfacing:
*Protective Coating Coverage:
Base Coat:
gal / 100 ft²
2nd Coat:
gal / 100 ft²
Top Coat:
gal / 100 ft²
* Optional Granules: