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request by the City Manager or her designee for purposes of inspection or audit in compliance with federal
and state law. Initials: _______
If I have listed an Owner’s Agent in this application, I will ensure that Owner’s Agent fulfills my obligations
under the Municipal Code and that I will be responsible for any actions or inaction taken by my Owner’s Agent.
My Owner’s Agent will be available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, at the phone number
provided in this application and will answer any call from the City and guests staying at the Property. My
Owner’s Agent is authorized to, and will, provide full access to the Property and documents related to
compliance with this Chapter, during normal City Hall business hours or at any time the dwelling unit (or
portion thereof) is rented, immediately upon request by the City Manager or her designee for purposes of
inspection or audit in compliance with federal and state law. Initials: _______
I will provide all guests with the Short-term Rental Code of Conduct and post the same on the inside of the
main entrance door to the dwelling unit rented, or on the wall adjacent thereto. Initials: _______
I will ensure that all short-term rental activity at the Property complies with all applicable laws including, but not
limited to, the noise limitations set forth in Chapter 8.24 of the Malibu Municipal Code, and applicable codes
regarding fire, building and safety. Initials: _______
By initialing below I acknowledge I understand, accept, and will comply with the following:
Occupancy shall not exceed the maximum number of individuals listed on the Permit, and in no case may it
exceed 14 people unless a special event permit is obtained pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code Chapter 5.34.
Initials: _______
I am responsible for updating any information in my application that changes during the period that the Permit
is valid. Such information must be updated before any short-term rental activity occurs, and in any case within
30 days of such changes, or immediately for any change in the Owner’s Agent contact information. To update
information in my application I understand I must use the City’s amended short-term rental application form.
Initials: _______
I understand that I cannot cure a violation of this Chapter by seeking to amend my short-term rental
permit after a violation occurs; short-term rental of a property may only be conducted as specifically
authorized by an active short-term rental permit. Initials: _______
I understand that my short-term rental permit number must be prominently posted on all advertisements
for the short-term rental of the property. Initials: _______
I understand that an application to renew a short-term rental permit must be received by the City Clerk not
less than thirty days prior to the expiration of the short-term rental permit. Applications received after the
deadline but before expiration of the permit may be accepted at the discretion of the City Manager or her/his
designee. Initials: _______
I understand and agree that I am responsible for any and all violations or illegal activity that occur on
my property during a period where it is rented on a short-term basis, whether committed by
myself, my agent, a guest, or any other person. Such violations may result in substantial fines, the
loss of my short-term rental permit, criminal penalties, or other significant action. I have read Malibu
Municipal Code Section 17.55 and accept the obligations imposed on me by that Section and
will act so as to ensure that no violations occur on the Property.
The Short-Term Rental Permit Fee is $294, please submit a c
heck payable to the City of Malibu along with
your application. The Short-Term Rental Permit Fee is non-refundable.