City of Hendersonville
Request for Special Appropriations FY21-22
Contact: Adam Murr, 828-233-2879,, City Hall Rm. 326
[Submit forms by February 26, 2021]
Organization’s Name:
City, State, ZIP:
Website address:
1. Program Name:
2. Contact Person/Title:
Telephone Number:
E‐mail address:
3. Estimated total number of individuals served in the last complete fiscal year by this program:
4. Estimated total number of the above individuals who are City residents:
Please attach any documentation that supports this number.
Estimated percent of people served who are City residents:
5. Amount of Request: 6. Total Program Budget:
Percent of total program budget you are requesting from Hendersonville:
7. Please state the mission of your agency:
8. Will the funding be used to:
Maintain an existing program Expand an Existing Program Start a new program
9. Has your organization received funds from the City in the past for this or a similar program?