City of Hendersonville
Name of Special Event:
Event Sponsor: Phone #:
Sponsor Address:
Authorized Event Coordinator:
Cell Phone #: Email:
Requested Event Date(s): Requested Event Hours:
Es mated Past A endance: Predicted A endance:
Past Vendor Par cipa on: Predicated Vendor Par cipa on:
Submit This CoSubmit This Complempletteded Applica on & All Suppor ng Material Outlined Below To:
Community Development Department City of Hendersonville
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792 Phone #: (828) 233-3219
An application for a permit to conduct a special event pursuant to Section 28-39, Hendersonville City Code.
Please reference the City’s Special Event Policy for additional information about the application process.
Note: The person responsible for the special event, or his/her designee, must be present for the duration of the event.
“Hold Harmless Agreement”
By signing this agreement, the sponsor will hold harmless the City of Hendersonville, its o cers, employees and agents, the Public Works Department and sta free
and harmless from and against any and all losses, penal es, damages, se lements, costs, charges professional and a orneys fee or other expenses or liabili es
of every kind and character arising out of or rela ng to any and all claims, liens, demands, obliga ons, ac ons, proceedings or causes of ac on of every kind and
character in connec on with or arising directly or indirectly out of this event and/or the performance hereof and cased by the negligence of the Sponsor. The Sponsor
will take full responsibility. The City of Hendersonville will not be responsible for personal items or property used as part of event.
Signature of Authorized Event RepresentaƟ ve: Date:
Please reference the City of Hendersonville’s Special Event Policy for addi onal informa on about the requirements listed in the
checklist below.
Event Descrip on, Statement of Public Bene t & Public Services Required (REQUIRED) - Page #2 in applica on
Event Marke ng Strategy & Budget (REQUIRED) - Page #3 in applica on
Event Site Plan (REQUIRED) - Page #4 in applica on
Event Impact No ca on (REQUIRED) - Page #5 in applica on
Formal Event No ce (REQUIRED)
Vendor Applica on & Electrical Needs (AS NEEDED) Page #6 in applica on
Event Insurance (REQUIRED)
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click to sign
click to edit
Please provide a detailed “Event Descrip on” along with your “Statement of Public Bene t” and “Public
Services Required” for review.
Please reference the Citys Special Event Policy for addi onal informa on about this applica on requirement.
Feel free to a ach your response to this sheet.
Name of Special Event:
Event Descrip on:
Statement of Public Bene t:
Public Services Required:
City of Hendersonville
Page 2
City of Hendersonville
Please provide an “Event Marke ng Strategy” along with your “Marke ng Budget” for review.
Please reference the Citys Special Event Policy - page 5 for addi onal informa on about this applica on.
Feel free to a ach your response to this sheet.
Name of Special Event:
Event Marke ng Strategy:
Marke ng Budget:
Page 3
City of Hendersonville
Please provide a detailed “Event Site Plan” and your no ca on guarantee. Please reference the Citys Special
Event Policy - page 5 for addi onal informa on about this applica on requirement. Feel free to a ach your site
plan to this sheet.
Name of Special Event:
Event Site Plan:
Page 4
City of Hendersonville
NOTIFICATION GUARANTEE: I hereby cer fy that all residents, businesses, places of worship and schools
a ected by any street closures and sidewalk impacts related to this event and outlined in this applica on’s
“Event Site Plan” will be no ed at least 20 days prior to the event with the a ached no ce by the
Authorized Event Coordinator or designee.
Authorized Event Coordinators Signature
Event applicants are required to no fy, by a formal no ce, all residents, businesses, places of worship and
schools that are a ected by street and sidewalk impacts related to your event. This no ce must be submi ed
with the event applica on to the Special Events Commi ee for review prior to no ca on delivery, and
example format for this no ca on is included in the Citys Special Events Policy appendices.
Once approved by the Special Events Commi ee the no ce must then be mailed or hand delivered to
impacted areas at least twenty days prior to your event. Informa on on the no ce should include, but not be
limited to; the name of the event, event date(s), me(s) of event and overall impacts (including set-up and tear
down), speci c loca on of impacts, type of ac vity and telephone number where the public can contact your
organiza on about the event.
Failure to comply with the no ca on requirement can result in the cancella on, postponement or other
signi cant restric ons to your event or future events. The Special Event Commi ee requires that the
Authorized Event Organizer verify that this no ca on will take place, please see below.
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click to sign
click to edit
City of Hendersonville
Complete the form below based on the number of vendors and types of electrical connec ons required for
your event. If you have ques ons about the electrical requirements for your event please contact the City
Public Works Department at (828) 697-3000.
Name of Special Event:
Authorized Vendor Coordinator: Phone #:
Cell Phone #: Email:
Please calculate your event vendor fees & electrical usage fees below.
Total #_____ of Retail Vendors X $20 =_____
Total #_____ of Food Vendors X $30 =_____
Total Vendor Fee Due:__________
Electrical Requirements: Loca on of electrical needs to be included on Event Site Plan.
((Total # of connec ons @ 20 Amps or less_____) x (# of days_____ )) x $25 =_____
((Total # of connec ons @ 21 to 50 Amps_____) x (# of days_____)) x $50 =_____
((Total # of connec ons @ 50 Amps or more_____) x (# of days_____)) X $100 =_____
Total Electrical Usage Fee:__________
Total of All Event Fees:___________
All Event and Vendor Fees are to be submi ed prior to the event. Checks can be made out to the “City of
Hendersonville.” Payment is accepted in person at
145 Fi h Avenue East
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Please remit payment along with the nal invoice you receive from the Development Assistance Department.
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