City of Helena Loading Zone Permit
Commercial Delivery Vehicle
DELIVERY YEAR _____________________
FIRM NAME: _________________________________________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
CITY - GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSE: ___________________________
PRIMARY DELIVERY PRODUCT: ___________________________
AVERAGE WEIGHT OF PRODUCT: ___________________________
I hereby certify that the vehicles listed on the reverse side of this application are used for the
sole purpose of commercial deliveries. I further understand that the purpose of loading
zones is for the loading and unloading of goods only and that there is a 20-minute limit on the
use of the loading zone. A fee of $43 for the first vehicle and $21 for subsequent vehicles in
the same firm is required. I also understand that sustained violations of this provision will
result in the suspension of the permit.
Signature_________________________ Title_____________________________
Phone Number_____________________ Date_____________________________
Please complete the reverse side of this application. No permits will be issued without license plate.