Salmon River Boat Harbor Long-term Storage Use Agreement Resolution CY15-34
City of Gustavus
Salmon River Boat Harbor Facility
Long-term Storage Use Agreement
The schedule of rates and fees adopted by Resolution CY15-34 shall govern the use of the
long-term storage area at the Salmon River Boat Harbor Facility.
Storage fees are due and payable January 1
every calendar year. The storage area is for
marine-related items, boats and boat trailers only.
A rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) will be charged for use of a 10’ x 75’ (750 square
feet) storage area for users in good standing. Pro-rated portions of the year will be charged at a
rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month. Misuse of the area will result in additional fees and
revocation of storage area use. Additionally, lessee shall be required to keep his/her area clean
and free of refuse.
Individuals or businesses may lease more than one 10' x 75' area, at the rate of one hundred
fifty dollars ($150.00) per lease period.
Individuals or businesses may lease all of the storage area, subject to the approval of the City
Council if area is not in use. All buildings shall be moveable i.e. on skids.
Per Resolution CY15-34, vessels using the launch ramp or dock float system need an annual
registration sticker or can pay a daily use fee. Vessel registration forms can be found on our
website at:
__________________________________ ________________________________
Lessee Printed Name Lessee Signature
__________________________________ ________________________________
Address Date
__________________________________ __________________________________
City/State Storage Space
Email address
__________________________________ ________________________________
Telephone Number Trailer License Plate Number
__________________________________ ________________________________
AK Vessel Number Vessel Name or Make
For Office Use Only:
Rental Period _________________ to 12/31/2018 Space(s) #______________
Date Paid______________ Clerk______________ Payment: CC Auth# ________________ CK# _____________ Amount $_______________