b. The boundaries and dimensions of the property and its relationships to the
surrounding road system including the width of the existing travelway.
c. The location and dimension of existing manmade features such as existing roads
and structures with indication as to which are to be removed, renovated or
d. The location of existing easements, watercourses, section lines, water and sewer
lines, well and septic tank location, and other existing important physical features
in and adjoining the project.
e. Identification of surrounding land use, future land use designation and zoning
within 100 feet of the site as well as for the petitioned site.
f. A layout of the proposed lots and/or building sites including the following: common
open areas, generalized landscaping and buffer zones, internal circulation patterns
including off-street parking and loading facilities, total project density, percentage
of building lot coverage, floor area square footage, percentage of impervious
surface coverage, percentage of open space areas, the shape, size, location and
height of all structures.
g. Proposed phasing of construction for the project, if applicable.
h. Estimated square footage of the structures, the number of employees, estimated
seating, and the estimated number of users of the facility, such as members,
students and patients, if uses other than residential proposed.
i. Proposed hours of operation for commercial uses.
j. A drainage statement (or drainage plan if required).
k. Size, location and orientation of signs.
l. Proposed lighting of the premises.
m. Traffic Impact Analysis addressing at a minimum: Distribution and assignment of
traffic, intersection improvements, additional roadway needs (travel lanes and turn
lanes), traffic control devices, future right-of-way dedications and compliance with
Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance.
Plan Revisions
10. If revisions to the plans previously submitted are required during the application review
process, the petitioner shall submit the same number of plans as required for
application submittal.
a. Submit seven (7) copies 24” x 36”, one (1) set 11” x 17”, and one (1) Electronic
Digital Copy.