Special Exception Submittal Checklist
1. Application Review Fee and Advertising Fee.
2. Completed application signed by owner and applicant. Agent’s authorization or power
of attorney must be attached if applicant is other than owner.
3. Copy of the Warranty Deed.
4. A list of all property owners within a three hundred (300) foot radius of boundary lines of
the subject property from the most recent tax roll information as provided by the Palm
Beach County Appraiser’s Office.
5. Executed affidavit signed by the person responsible for completing the property owner
6. Two (2) sets of STAMPED (meter stamps not acceptable), plain envelopes with the typed
names of the owners within a 300’ radius of the boundary lines of the subject property.
No return address.
7. SURVEY (to include):
a. Submit seven (7) copies 24” x 36”, one (1) set 11” x 17”, and one (1) Electronic
Digital Copy.
b. Survey, signed and sealed, (not more than a year old) and legal description of the
property, including any and all easements of record (referenced by Official
Records (OR) Book and page) prepared by a surveyor registered in the State of
a. Submit seven (7) copies 24” x 36”, one (1) set 11” x 17”, and one (1) Electronic
Digital Copy.
b. The boundaries and dimensions of the property and its relationship to the
surrounding road system including the width of the existing travel way.
c. The location and dimension of existing manmade features such as existing roads
and structures with indication as to which are to be removed, renovated or altered.
d. The location of existing easements, watercourses, section lines, water and sewer
lines, well and septic tank location, and other existing important physical features
in and adjoining the project.
e. Identification of surrounding land use, future land use designation, and zoning
within 100 feet of the site as well as for the petitioned site.
f. A layout of the proposed lots and/or building sites including the following: common
open areas, generalized landscaping and buffer zones, internal circulation patterns
including off-street parking and loading facilities, total project density, percentage
of building lot coverage, floor area square footage, percentage of impervious