f. Project information (number of users of facility, employees, seating and hours of
g. Location of lots, buildings and structures with applicable setbacks.
h. Off-street parking and loading layout (with dimensions and access location).
i. Location and details of refuse collection areas.
j. Location, size and orientation of signs.
k. Location of lighting standards and foot candle dispersion.
l. Zoning of the site and identification of land use and zoning of adjacent properties.
m. Location and nature of all recreational facilities and common areas if any.
n. Proposed phasing of construction if applicable.
6. ENGINEERING PLANS (to include):
a. Submit seven (7) copies 24” x 36”, one (1) set 11” x 17”, and one (1) Electronic
Digital Copy.
b. Proposed streets and roadways with dimensions and cross section.
c. Curve radii for all internal and external vehicular use areas.
d. Access to the project by means of paved dedicated right-of-way.
e. Proposed traffic control signs and striping.
f. Proposed water distribution system with location of fire hydrants and point of
g. Proposed sanitary sewer collection system and point of connection, or size and
location of septic tank and drainfield if applicable.
h. Drainage statement describing system design and the design standards used.
i. Proposed storm water management system with location of inlets, piping and
positive outfall along with typical section and top surface area of storm water
retention/detention pond, including soil types, slope, bottom and top elevations.
j. Existing and proposed fire protection systems.
k. Traffic Impact Analysis addressing at a minimum: Distribution and assignment of
traffic, intersection improvements, additional roadway needs (travel lanes and turn
lanes), traffic control devices, future right-of-way dedications and compliance with
Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance.
7. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS (to include):