City of Fayetteville Occupational Tax Permit (Business License) PROFESSIONAL
Application Instructions.
BUSINESS NAME AND LOCATION: Local street address in Fayetteville.
DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS: Please list ALL business activities to be conducted at this location. This is
the description that will be printed on the permit. (Example: Medical Practice, Surgery Center, Legal Practice)
Please provide copy of state license for all professionals.
Number of full-time and part-time employees of the company (Fayetteville location).
Social Security number, Federal or State Tax ID, and/or Sales Tax number: At least one is required.
BUSINESS OWNER: Name of the Corporation, LLC, Partnership, individual, etc., that owns the business.
Mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address of business owner.
Name and title of person completing the application (owner, manager, etc.)
U.S. Citizen: Please check yes or no. If not a citizen, please bring in legal resident card.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER: Company or person that owns the building.
Emergency Contact Form: Please complete all emergency contact information as listed.
New Occupational Tax Sheet: Please complete all information.
Department of Revenue Official Addendum to Business Occupancy License Application:
Please complete this form even if you do not have a sales tax number.
The Private Employer Affidavit and the U.S. Citizen/Qualified Alien Affidavit must be signed and
notarized. Notaries are available at City Hall, or you may use a notary elsewhere. Please bring your driver’s
license or photo I.D. with you. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please bring your green card or proof of legal
residence. PLEASE SIGN IN FRONT OF THE NOTARY. Please list the number of full-time and part-time
employees (all locations combined) on the Private Employer Affidavit. If more than ten employees, an E-
Verify number is required. NOTE: This is not the same as a State or Federal Tax ID number.
When your application is received, it will be e-mailed to the departments listed for their approval. You will be
contacted when the license is ready to pick up.
Professionals will not pay a fee upon initial application. Each year at the time of renewal, professionals
may choose to either pay a $300 flat fee per professional, or a tax based on gross revenue (kept
confidential), which will not be less than $75.
Please note all occupational tax permits expire on December 31
. Renewal forms will be mailed in December
2020. Please complete and return the forms, and you will be billed for 2021. Payment for the 2021 renewal
must be received by March 31, 2021 to avoid penalty and interest. Please keep us updated if your mailing
address changes, or if you move from one location to another, or close the business.
If you have any questions, please call 770-719-4165 or e-mail Rev. 04/17/20