City of Delaware
Youth Softball Registration Form
REGISTRATION DATES: Feb 8-March 6, 2021
On-line registration and payment are available. Families wishing to register on-line, can fill out the registration below and
email it to pwcs@delawareohio.net , and then phone in payment information to City of Delaware Customer Service at
740-203-1810. Registration and payment can also be filled out at home and, with payment, placed in either red drop-off
box located at Mingo Park, 500 East Lincoln Avenue, or at City Hall, 1 S. Sandusky Street.
Participant’s Name: Date of Birth: Male Female (please check one)
Address: City: Zip:
Home Phone: Emergency Phone: Cell Phone:__________________________________
List allergies or other medical conditions that we should be aware of:
Age as of January 1, 2021: Shirt Size: Y 7/8 Y10/12 Y14/16 AS AM AL AXL
Delaware City Resident: Yes No Place of Employment:
(If living outside of the Delaware City Limits)
Please Circle Appropriate League - All Ages Are as of January 1, 2021
U-8 Softball U-16 Softball
Ages: 5-8 Ages: 15-16
Cost: Resident Rate: $40.00 Cost: Resident Rate: $45.00
Non-Resident Rate: $55.00 Non-Resident Rate: $60.00
Ages: 9-10
Cost: Resident Rate: $40.00
Non-Resident Rate: $55.00
Ages: 11-12
Cost: Resident Rate: $45.00
Non-Resident Rate: $60.00
Ages: 13-14
Cost: Resident Rate: $45.00
Non-Resident Rate: $60.00
Please write your name in the space below if you are able/willing to volunteer or assist in the following:
Head Coaching Assistant Coaching Umpiring Sponsoring a Team
CONSENT TO USE PHOTOGRAPHS: I understand that photographs may be taken of me and/or my child at any recreation program or facility for publication in material used
to promote department programs, classes, or events.
RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS and PROMISE NOT TO SUE: I/we the parent/guardian of the above child, release the City of Delaware, their employees, agents, officers and
servants of any risks and hazards incidental to the above activity; and hereby forever release, waive and relinquish the Delaware Department of Recreation Services and the City of
Delaware, its instructors and supervisors and all other persons assisting in the conduct of said activities to the participant. I/we understand that because of prohibitive costs, no
accidental, health or life insurance covering the participants in this program will be procured and that my/our consent to the participation of the above-named participant in this
program is made with this understanding.
Parent/Guardian (PRINT): E-Mail:
Parent/Guardian: Please check box as proof of consent Date:
Make Checks Payable To: City of Delaware. A $15 service fee will be charged for a returned check.
For additional information call (740)203-1455
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: Amount Received: Cash/Ck/MO/CC: Staff Initials: Residency Checked:
Important 2021 Dates
Coaches Meeting-March 28
Practice begins March 29-April 25
Games April 26-June 19
Tournament June 21-June 27