Organizational Status (Check all that apply)
Not for profit For-profit
New organization Existing organization
The number of years the group or organization has been in existence: _______________
The number of years this project has been in existence: _______________
Federal ID Number (if applicable):
All items below are REQUIRED: (Be as clear and concise as possible.)
1. Describe your proposal in detail. The following items must be included:
• Specific goals and purposes of the proposed project
• A clear explanation of the project and how it will be implemented virtually
• Description of activities and how they will be used to reach goals/meet needs of residents
• Materials: describe and explain their use
• Provide dates for project implementation and completion.
• Explain the frequency and duration of activities
• Project timeline (in chronological order)- please note that if you receive a grant award, we will
onfirm that you are following your proposed timeline prior to any disbursement of funds.
• Target population
• Description of eligibility requirements for participants
• Explain the number of eligible people that will be included
• Description of specific methods to be used for recruitment of participants
• If this is a new or repeat project, explain the ways this differs from the ongoing programs
provided by this individual, group or organization.
• Explain expected outcomes and benefits of this project to the residents being served and the
• Include if your program is part of a social justice project or initiative and provide details.
2. Funding: Include a detailed budget, using the budget form provided.
Explain the following:
• How the requested funds will be used.
• Describe “in kind” services (donations of volunteer hours, materials or other non-monetar
• Describe other funding sources (source, whether received, awaiting grant award, or other,
expenses covered)
• Describe how you will complete this project if other funding is not received.
• If only partial funding is received, describe how you will be able to implement this project.
Tips for completed the Budget Request Form:
• List items individually.
• All expenses associated with this project must be included with detailed explanations provided
• The budget chart may be copied if additional space is needed
NOTE: Funds cannot be expended prior to notification of grant award. Reimbursement and vendor
payment requests must be submitted by May 31, 2020 to allow time for payments/reimbursements
prior to the end of the fiscal year!