City of Binghamton Planning Department
Mayor, Richard C. David
Director, Dr. Juliet Berling
City Hall ▪ 38 Hawley Street ▪ Binghamton, NY 13901 ▪
PH: (607) 772-7028 ▪ FX: (607) 772-7063 ▪ TTD for Hearing/Speech Impaired: (607) 772-7069
Application for Administrative Planning Review and Approval
Pursuant to §410-45B of the City of Binghamton Zoning Ordinance, Administrative Planning Review and Approval is
required for proposals that are Type II actions under SEQRA and involve that group of land uses and activities which
are “permitted by right” pursuant to §410-29 and §410-32, will result in less than 4,000 square feet of new gross floor
area of the proposed use, and will have limited or no adverse effect on the physical, environmental, social or
economic character of the surrounding neighborhood. Approval may be granted after the Planning Department, the
Supervisor of Building and Construction, and the Fire Marshal determine that the proposed change of use will not
have any significant impact on any environmental or development issues on the lot or the surrounding neighborhood.
Please complete and submit this application to the Planning Department. Completion and submission of this
application does not guarantee approval. The Planning Department reserves the right to request that any application
be reviewed and decided by the Planning Commission
Application fee: $50.00
Floor plan(s) drawn to scale
1. Project Location Information:
Address of Property: _______________________________________Tax Map #: __________________________
Dimensions: Frontage_________ ft. Depth _________ft. Square Footage: ________________
Zoning District: ________________________________________
2. Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ______________________ ZIP Code: ____________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ________________________
Applicant’s relationship to property: ______________________________________
3. Property Owner: ______________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ______________________ ZIP Code: ____________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ________________________
4. Architect/Engineer: _____________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ______________________ ZIP Code: ____________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ________________________
5. Attorney: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ______________________ ZIP Code: ____________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ________________________