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City of Alamo Heights
Sign Permit Application
6116 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209
v: (210) 826-0516 f: (210) 822-5181
I, as the property owner of the above listed structure and property, do hereby authorize the proposed project submittal for
the signs listed above.
Authorized Agent (Print principal or company name):
Property Owners signature: Date:
I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of
laws and ordinances governing the proposed work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a
permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local ordinances
regulating construction, the performance of construction or the use of any land or buildings.
Print Name of Permit Applicant: Date:
Signature of Permit Applicant:
Permit Applicant is Contractor, Property Owner, or Authorized Agent
General Permit Information [Please print legibly]
Please check only one: Temporary* Temporary Permanent** Permanent**
*(provide dimensioned drawing of the proposed temporary sign on a separate sheet of paper)
**(requires A.R.B. submittal and approval prior to issuance of requested permit and installation)
Sign Type: Banner Flat Monument Projecting Roof Portable Electric Special
Is Sign over City property, or Private property? No
Estimated cost of construction (includes material & labor): $
Expect to Start Construction: Anticipated Completion Date:
Name of General Contractor:
Name of Applying Company:
Attached drawings of proposed signage and location are required
The issued Certificate of Appropriateness must be submitted with this application for Temporary Permanent and Permanent Signs.
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