City Sponsorship Program
Organization’s Information
Organization Name:
Registered Federal Tax-Exempt ID Number:
Executive Director/CEO Name:
Contact Person Name:
Contact Person Title:
E-Mail Address:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( )
Affiliated with a “parent” organization? Yes No
If yes, name of parent organization:
Preferred method of contact? Business Phone Cell Phone Email
Please provide if not listed above:
Approximately how many people does this organization serve? Describe the services and
any fees related to these services.
Sponsorship Request
Monetary Funding: If seeking monetary funding, please read the City Sponsorship
Program Agreement, section III.4., and then specify amount requested: $
In-Kind Services: If seeking in-kind support, select type of in-kind service requested.
Banner Permit Fee
Police Services
Riverside Public Utilities (Go Green Bags: Qty _____ )
Booth/City Vehicle Participation
Please specify City department:
Please specify City department and facility:
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department Facilities/Other
Please specify facility or equipment:
Please specify:
City Sponsorship Program
List type of recognition the City/Department will receive for the noted funding/in-kind
services requested (e.g. name/logo listing, banner, ad, etc.).
Has the City of Riverside sponsored your organization in the past? Yes No
If yes, list department(s), date, amount and/or type of sponsorship:
Event Title:
Purpose/Type of Event:
Event Date(s): to Event Hours: to
Will the event be held in the City of Riverside? Yes No
If no, specify reason:
Event Location:
Is this an annual event? Yes No
If yes, indicate how many years event has taken place:
Please indicate how many years event has received City sponsorship:
Total Event Cost/Budget: $
Expected attendance:
Attendance at last year’s event:
Expected number/percentage of attendees who live in Riverside:
Is the event open to the general public? Yes No
Describe target audience:
Is there a cost to attend/participate in the event? Yes No
If yes, please provide cost:
There must be an element of the event/project that is free or significantly reduced to
Please describe:
City Sponsorship Program
Additional Documents Required
Submit this completed application with the following:
A current list of your organization’s Board of Directors and appropriate affiliations
A copy of your organization’s operating and event budget (revenue and expenses).
Include any funds from a Community Development Block Grant, City Arts Grant
Program, Sponsors or in-kind contributions
If applicable, a list of the event’s sponsorship opportunities (e.g., name/logo
listing, banner, ad, reserved seats, etc.)
Supplemental Data
Describe the festival, special event, or community project for which City funding or in-
kind services are requested. Provide details regarding activities, vendors, entertainment.
Please check any of the following elements that are part of your project or event:
Event includes booths related to energy/water resource conservation
Event includes booths related to community gardens, farmers market, etc.
Event includes free children’s activities
Event includes reduced fee for students, seniors, military, and/or children.
City Sponsorship Program
Does the event for which funding is being requested provide services/information that
involve green initiatives/sustainability? If so, please describe?
Detail purpose or objective of local festival, special event, or community project for
which City funding or in-kind services are requested.
City Sponsorship Program
Describe the overall contribution of the festival, special event, community project or
program(s) to the community in relation to the goals and objectives of the City as stated
in the City Sponsorship Program (please refer to Section II of the City Sponsorship
Program Agreement).
City Sponsorship Program
What are the measurable target objectives that will be used to determine the success of
the festival, special event, community project or program(s)? (Please state your
objective in terms of concrete numbers and percentages where possible. For example:
increase number of participants from Y to Z in the 200X parade; increase customer
satisfaction from Y% to Z%. You may utilize the table provided below. Please provide a
copy of the survey or other measurement tool that is utilized by your organization to
assess outcomes.
Past Year
Event (20__)
Past Year
Event (20__)
Past Year
Event (20__)
Current Year
Event (20__)