Form Updated: 07/2020
Development Services 1601 S. State St P.O. Box 1299 Decatur, TX 76234
D e s i g n S t a n d a r d s V a r i a n c e R e q u e s t
S u b d i v i s i o n V a r i a n c e R e q u e s t
C h e c k l i s t
General Requirements:
Universal application form and the appropriate fees.
Letter of explanation/justification. See section below.
Site plan (if applicable) for the property.
Location map clearly indicating the site in relation to adjacent streets, distance to nearest intersection and
other landmarks.
Proof of ownership (recorded property deed or current year tax statements).
Documentation on any and all liens and lien holders of property.
Electronic .pdf or an email containing the general required documents in Adobe PDF format.
I have reviewed the checklist and all submittals for completeness and accuracy. If application
submittal is determined to be incomplete, additional fees may be assessed.
Variance Requested:
I, , being the owner of the property located at
which is/is not currently under consideration for final platting, request a variance
Design Standards
Chapter 1
o Section 106 Sidewalks
Construction (Section 106.1)
Minimum Width (Section 106.7)
o Section 107 Landscape Design
Single-Family Landscaping Requirements
Multi-Family Landscaping Requirements
Office/Retail/Commercial Landscaping Requirements
Industrial Landscaping Requirements
o Section 108 Buffering
Type A Buffering—4’ Fence with one (1) linear landscaping band
Type B Buffering—6’ Decorative fence architecturally compatible with general area with
one (1) linear landscaping band
Type C Buffering—6’ Decorative fence architecturally compatible with general area with
two (2) linear landscaping bands
Specify nature of request checked above
Chapter 2
o Section 201 Street Improvements
Curb and Gutter (Section 201.2.3)
Specify Chapter
o Specify Section
Specify Sub-Section
Specify nature of any item checked above
Subdivision Regulations
Specify nature of request