City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, Multi-Use Building (MUB) Rm. 188, San Francisco, CA 94112
Phone: (415) 239-3286 FAX (415) 239-3936
Petition for Academic Renewal/Exclusion Instructions
Submit the completed Petition to Multi-Use Building (MUB), Rm. 188
A student may petition to have previous substandard college grades of “D”, “F”, or “FW” excluded from
grade point average calculations if that work is not reflective of the student’s present level of
performance. However, to ensure a true and complete academic record, the permanent academic
record will show all of the student’s course work, including excluded classes.
A request for Academic Renewal will be granted under the following conditions:
1. A student must have completed at an accredited college at least 12 degree-applicable semester units
with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0, at least 18 degree-applicable semester units with
a cumulative grade point average of 2.5, or at least 24 degree-applicable semester units with a
cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. These units must be earned subsequent to the last grade
of “D”, “F”, or “FW” to be excluded.
2. At least one academic year must have elapsed since the last “D”, “F”, or “FW” grade to be excluded.
3. A maximum of 24 units may be excluded from the grade point average calculation.
4. A student’s official transcript will include a notation that an Academic Renewal was granted.
5. Courses taken prior to the awarding of an Associate degree are not eligible for Academic Renewal.
6. Academic Renewal is granted one time only.
Students are reminded of the following:
Only courses taken at City College qualify for Academic Renewal.
Some destination transfer institutions may not accept Academic Renewal and may recalculate the
grade point average with the substandard grades. Students who plan to transfer to other institutions
should contact the receiving transfer institution and ask how they apply grade exclusions (Academic
Only transcripts from accredited institutions with degree applicable courses will be accepted as proof
of improved course work to meet Academic Renewal eligibility requirements.
Academic Renewal grade exclusions may affect units needed for transfer or for graduation. No petition
will be accepted without a counselor’s signature.
IMPORTANT: In compliance with section 55764 of the California Code of Regulations all excluded
courses will remain on the student’s permanent record to ensure a true and complete academic history.
Admissions & Records Form – Revised July 2020