Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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Citizen Police Academy
The Social Circle Police Academy is a tuition free, five-week program designed to introduce
members of the community to the Social Circle Police Department.
The Academy is designed to teach citizens about the philosophy, policies, and guiding principles
of law enforcement and ethical conduct governing police services in our community. The sessions
that will be covered during this Academy include but are not limited to, the structure of the police
department, uniform patrol functions, criminal investigations, use of force and use of force
considerations, and firearms training. Classes will be a combination of lectures, demonstrations
and interactive activities. Participants of this program will meet for (5) weeks on Tuesday evenings
at 6:00pm to 8:30pm in the community room located at the police department.
Firearms training will be held during week (5) on that Saturday and will conclude with a graduation
ceremony for all participants. Participants must complete a (4) hour ride-along with a Social Circle
Police officer. This ride along is usually an eye-opening experience for many participants as they
get to see the real day-to-day activities of the police department.
Student Requirements
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age.
Applicants can not have any (felony) arrests.
Applicants can not have any misdemeanor or D.U.I. arrests with in the last three years prior
to application date.
Applicants must pass a criminal history check conducted by the Social Circle
Police Department.
Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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Registration Form
Name: (Last) (First) (Middle)
Address: City: State: Zip:
Phone: Other Contact Number:
E-mail Address: Shirt Size:
What is your reason(s) for wanting to attend the Citizen’s Police Academy:
What do you hope to obtain or learn from attending the Citizen’s Police Academy:
How did you learn about the Citizen’s Police Academy:
Have you attended previous Citizen’s Academies: Yes No
If Yes: List
This form may be downloaded and saved as a PDF form, please complete and submitted
electronically to Sergeant Randy Downs at You can also drop the
registration form off the Social Circle Police Department located at 138 East Hightower Trail,
Social Circle, Georgia 30025.
Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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Criminal History Check
Consent Form
Name: (Last) (First) (Middle)_
Address: City: State: Zip:
Sex: Race: Date of Birth:
Phone: Other Contact Number:
Driver’s License Number: Social Security Number:
In consideration of the Social Circle Police Department, processing my application, I
hereby irrevocably consent to the following:
I understand that a thorough and complete investigation will be conducted for attendance
of the Citizen Police Academy.
I understand that a background investigation is conducted by gathering and recording
information about my past conduct and associations from any and all sources that the Social
Circle Police Department in its sole discretion, may deem appropriate, including: criminal
or other Governmental files and records, and any other source of information available.
I hereby release from liability and agree to hold harmless; under any and all possible causes
of legal action, including negligence, the City of Social Circle and the Social Circle Police
Department and any of its officers or employees for any negligence or wrongful statements,
acts, omissions made or recorded in the course of my background investigation.
I hereby release from liability and agree to hold harmless under any possible cause of legal
action, including negligence, any person or entity which furnishes information or opinions
to the Social Circle Police Department as a part of my background investigation.
I authorize any person or entity contacted by the Social Circle Police Department during
the course of my background to furnish any information or opinions such person or entity
may have regarding myself, my conduct or associations, regardless of any statutory or other
privilege I may have.
Signature: Date:
I fully understand that any intentional attempt on my part to provide INCORRECT or
MISLEADING information would be just cause for rejection of my application.
Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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****Special Conditions****
If an adverse decision is made against the person whose record was obtained, the person shall
be informed by the person / company making the decision:
That the record was obtained
The specific contents of the record
The effect the record made upon the decision
Failure to provide this information to the person subject to the adverse decision shall be a
****Agency Use Only****
Date Completed: (Agency Personnel) Signature:
Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement
KNOW ALL PERSON(S) BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned, being (21) years of
age or older, and laboring under no limitations as to ability contract, does hereby release the
DEPARTMENT, and all elected and appointed officials or employees of said city and
department from any liability whatever as a consequence of any injury to my person, or
damage to my property, as a result of said SOCIAL CIRCLE POLICE DEPARTMENT
granting my request to participate in the Citizen’s Police Academy. I freely and
voluntarily accept all risks, and I agree to hold the CITY OF SOCIAL CIRCLE, MAYOR,
COUNCIL, SOCIAL CIRCLE POLICE DEPARTMENT, and all agents and employees
harmless from claim and/or loss of any nature as described above, including, but not limited
to, medical expenses, loss of income, temporary or permanent injury or disability resulting
from injury, pain and suffering, or loss of personal property. I further agree that the CITY OF
any official, agent, or employee owes me any duty whatever about this privilege. I further
agree, that should any person be damaged due to my negligence, I will assume all
responsibility and hold the CITY OF SOCIAL CIRCLE, MAYOR, COUNCIL, SOCIAL
CIRCLE POLICE DEPRTMANT, and/or officials, agents, and employees harmless against
claim or loss.
I further agree that I will promptly reimburse for any damages to said facility or equipment.
Print Name:
Date: _
Social Circle Police Department
138 E. Hightower Trail Social Circle, Georgia 30025
Office: (770) 464-2366 | Fax: (770) 464-4088 |
Will Brinkley, Chief of Police
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Week 1 (Tuesday October 6, 2020)
Orientation / City Official Introduction / Community Policing / Police Department Tour
Week 2 (Tuesday October 13, 2020)
Uniform Patrol Division / Overview of Patrol Division / Response to calls for service / Traffic
Stop scenarios / K-9 demonstration
Week 3 (Tuesday October 20, 2020)
Criminal Investigation Division
Week 4 (Tuesday October 27, 2020) (Zoom Meeting is possible)
Judicial System
Week 5 (Tuesday November 3, 2020)
Use of Force / Defensive Tactics / Judgmental Shooting
Week 5 (Saturday November 7, 2020) (Newton County Sheriff’s Office Range)
Firearms Training / Use of Force / Graduation