Church Match Scholarship Award
Please send by August 1
State Zip
Church Name
Mailing Address
We, the undersigned, acting by the authority of the above named church, request the Oklahoma Christian
University Church Match Scholarship for the following students:
Full Name OC Student ID #
Scholarship Amount
From Church ** School Year
Total amount of attached check $
** Maximum amount eligible
for matching scholarship is $500 per student per academic year (August through May).
We have attached a check for the total indicated. We understand that the student must be a full-time student
(12 hours or more for undergraduate students and 9 hours or more for graduate students).
We certify that our portion of the scholarship was funded from the general operating budget of the church or
was funded with gifts that meet each of the following Internal Revenue Service criteria for tax deductible con-
• The gift is not for services rendered;
• The gift is not from family members of the selected students;
• The gift is not designated for a particular student
Signatures of two church officials who are not related to the recipients are required. Appropriate signatures include: elder, minister, deacon chairman, scholarship
committee chairman, finance committee chairman, church business administrator, etc.