Chronic Medical Disability Documentation Form
Please complete this form with as much detail as possible, as a partially completed form or limited responses
may hinder the eligibility process. It is most important that you thoroughly explain any symptoms and indicate
their impact on functioning. If you wish to provide additional information, please attach it to these forms.
Thank you for your assistance.
To be completed by the licensed, treating healthcare professional only
Student’s name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Today's date: ________________________
What is the student’s diagnosis? _______________________________________________________________
How long has the student has this diagnosis/condition? _____________________________________________
Date of initial contact with student: _________________ Date student was last seen: __________________
Frequency of appointments ____________________________________________________
What is the severity of the condition? Mild Moderate Severe
What is the expected duration? Chronic (more than a year) Episodic Short-term (six months - one year)
Please explain severity and duration: ___________________________________________________________
Provide information regarding the student’s current symptoms and functional limitation that you feel are
relevant to the academic setting
List the student’s current medication(s), including dosage, frequency, and adverse side effects (if applicable):