*These documents can't be used to prove the child's date of birth. You must also send in a copy of one of the documents in the list under "Proof of
date of birth."
If the child's parents were married when the child was conceived or born then we do not require further proof of parentage.
However we do still require proof of the child's date of birth.
If there is no proof of parentage, we may tell the person that this application has been made naming them as a parent of
the child/children.
Recognised care
The child support formula recognises the costs of raising a child and shares these costs between the parents based on their
income and care. Care is recognised in the following situations:
• If a person provides more than 263 nights per year, or 5 nights a week on average (72% of the time) of a child's care, theirs is the
only care we take into account in the child support formula calculation.
• If a parent cares for the child at least 103 nights per year, or 2 nights per week (28% of the time) that care is taken into account in
the child support formula calculation.
• A non-parent carer eg, a grandparent, has care of a child for at least 128 night per year, or 5 nights per fortnight (35% of the
Agreement or court order
If you have an agreement or court order detailing the care arrangements for the child/children, we can use this to work out your
recognised care level.
Qualifying children
To qualify for child support, a child must be:
• under 18 years of age or 18 years of age and enrolled at and attending a registered school in New Zealand or an overseas
school, and
• a New Zealand citizen or ordinarily resident in New Zealand.
The child cannot be:
• receiving a benet or student allowance, or working 30 hours or more a week (on average), or
• living with another person in a marriage, civil union or de facto relationship.
Paternity orders
If the father isn't currently named on the child's birth certicate a paternity order may be sought. If you are aware of a paternity
order being made, please send it to us: we may be able to start child support from when this application is received.
If you need more information about paternity orders, please go to the Ministry of Justice website www.justice.govt.nz (search
keyword: paternity).
IRD numbers for children
If your child doesn’t have an IRD number then you’ll need to apply for one before your child support application can be accepted.
You can do this by completing an IRD number application - resident individual (IR595) form.
However, if your child wasn’t born in New Zealand, doesn’t have an IRD number and isn’t a resident of New Zealand, you don’t
need to apply for or provide an IRD number.
Payment waiver
Non-parent carers can choose not to receive child support from one of the parents if the non-parent carer is not receiving an
unsupported child's benet for the child or a sole parent benet. We must still complete an assessment for that parent but we will
tell them they are not required to make payments. Please note that if you choose to waive payment from a parent this will include
any payments already owed to you by the parent for the children you wish to waive payment for.
A non-parent carer can cancel the waiver at any time by sending us a completed Payment Waivers (IR959) form. Payment waivers
will be cancelled if the non-parent carer starts to receive an unsupported child's benet for the child or a sole parent benet.
Cancelling a waiver means that the parent will be required to pay the child support assessed from the date the cancellation of the
waiver applies.
Child support from the Australian Department of Human Services
We have a reciprocal agreement with Australia for the assessment and collection of child support payments. The agreement allows
both countries to enforce payments of child support owing in the other country, where payments are not being made.
Only the country where the carer lives can make an assessment. If you have an assessment made in Australia but now live in
NewZealand, contact the Australian Department of Human Services (DHS) on 0800 440 953 to let them know.
If you are a carer living in Australia you must apply for child support through the Australian DHS. Call us on 1800 504 042 if you
need any help.
For more information about any of the above, please go to our website www.ird.govt.nz/childsupport
Child Support www.ird.govt.nz/childsupport