Chesapeake Public Schools
Name of Employee ___________________________________________________________________
School Assigned ______________________________________________________________________
Work Schedule _________________________________ Employee ID Number __________________
Employees working an extended work schedule beyond the regular 190 day school calendar are required
to report days/hours worked to the Human Resources Department at the end of the months of JULY,
AUGUST, AND JUNE of each school year. At the end of the school session, days/hours not
documented will result in a pay deduction.
10+1 work schedule = 5 extra days (40 hours)
= 10 extra days (70 hours)
= 15 extra days (105 hours)
= 19 extra days (133 hours)
10+2 work schedule = 28 extra days (196 hours)
= 38 extra days (266 hours)
These extra days/hours must be worked between July 1 – June 30. Time tracked below should be
entered in number of hours worked each day. Checkmarks, tick marks, or X’s are not sufficient.
(Please note, June 21 is no longer an available work day in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.)
JULY 2020 AUGUST 2020 JUNE 2021
I certify that I have worked the appropriate number of hours on the days indicated (do not project).
____________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Signature of Employee
Signature of Principal or Immediate Supervisor
Rev. Aug 2020
7. 23. 7. CLOSED 23. SUNDAY 7. SCHOOL 23.
13. 29. 13. 29. SATURDAY 13. SUNDAY 29.
14. 30. 14. CLOSED 30. SUNDAY 14. SCHOOL 30.