1300 W. Park Street | Butte, MT 59701 | mtech.edu | 406.496.4463
Chemical Spill Report Form
Department Name:
Reporting person:
Date and time spill occurred or was discovered:
Location (building)
Location (room)
Material spilled:
Amount spilled:
Approximate area covered by spill:
Any personnel contamination? Describe, include any first aid provided:
Any soil or water contamination? Describe:
Describe how the spill occurred to the best of your knowledge. Include any relevant circumstances in
as much detail as possible
What containment measures were taken to control the spill?
What corrective actions were taken to control and clean up the spill?
List any existing or potential hazards that either caused or resulted from the incident.
What was done with the cleanup materials?
Is it a hazardous waste? Check with Environmental Health and Safety if you are unsure.