Charlotte County Site Plan Review Checklist
Site Plan #_________________ Project Name _________________________________
________ Preliminary _______ PD Concept Date Submitted____________
Apply online
All comments are posted on the
12- Completed Applications (Collated) & Payment
Packets must be submitted on
Thursday by 3:00 p.m
12- Letter of Authorization (one original)
12- Sufficient documentation to validate common
ownership of all parcels proposed to be included in the
project or evidence of a contractual obligation to acquire
the property.
12- Narrative of sufficient detail to provide an
understanding of the project.
If the project is a DRI, a narrative
addressing DRI Development Order.
12- Signed & sealed boundary & topographical survey. Include easements
12- Complete sets of folded signed & sealed plans. Plans
shall include the following:
____ Location Map
____ Site Plan
____ Paving/Drainage Plan
_____Utility Plan
_____ Photometric Lighting Plan
_____Landscaping Plans
_____Tree Inventory
_____General Details
_____Phasing Plan (if applicable)
Landscape plans must contain
easements, overhead & underground
utility lines and name of project &
Site plans must contain north arrow,
property boundaries, easements, all
improvements, off street parking &
loading areas with dimensions, refuse
collection areas, name of project &
address, proposed access, traffic flow.
Include traffic flow arrows. Existing
streets, structures, waterways.
area of visibility.
12- Water & Sewer Availability Letter
2-Building Elevations To scale
2- Current Protected Species Assessment
Include Florida Land Use Codes and
Classification System (FLUCCS) Map
Conceptual Stormwater Management Plan