Charlotte County Site Plan Review Checklist
Site Plan #_________________ Project Name ____________________________
_______ Prelim/ Final _______ Final _______Final Detail _______ Major Modification
Date Submitted________________
Apply online
All comments are posted on the
12- Completed Applications (Collated) & Payment
Packets must be submitted on
Thursday by 3:00 p.m.
12- Letter of Authorization (one original)
12- Sufficient documentation to validate common
ownership of all parcels proposed to be included in the
project or evidence of a contractual obligation to acquire
the property.
12- Narrative of sufficient detail to provide an
understanding of the project.
If the project is a DRI, a narrative
addressing DRI Development Order.
12- Signed & sealed boundary & topographical survey.
Include easements
12- Complete sets of folded signed & sealed plans. Plans
shall include the following:
____ Location Map
____ Site Plan
____ Paving/Drainage Plan
____ Utility Plan
____ Photometric Lighting Plan
____ Landscaping Plans
____ Tree Inventory
____ General Details
_____Phasing Plan (if applicable)
Landscape plans must contain
easements, overhead & underground
utility lines and name of project &
Site plans must contain north arrow,
property boundaries, easements, all
improvements, off street parking &
loading areas with dimensions, refuse
collection areas, name of project &
address, proposed access, traffic flow.
Include traffic flow arrows. Existing
streets, structures, waterways. Clear
area of visibility.
12- Utility Construction Design Approval Letter
2-Color Renderings To scale
2-Commercial Design Standards Worksheet
2- Current Protected Species Assessment
Include Florida Land Use Codes and
Classification System (FLUCCS) Map
County Stormwater Permit
Open Space Habitat Requirements.
2-Traffic Impact Statement
Approval Letter from Solid Waste
A Copy of Approved State & Federal Permits
Needed prior to commencement of
A statement of the total gross acreage of the project and
the percentage thereof proposed to be devoted to each
permitted use, lot coverage and coverage by all
impervious surfaces.
Project density stated in dwelling units per acre.
The number of off-street parking and loading spaces.
Thumb Drive with all above information