AP European History Name:____________________
Chapter 28: The Age of Anxiety Period:__________
Complete the graphic organizer as you read Chapter 28. DO NOT simply hunt for the answers; doing so will leave holes in your
understanding of the text. Be sure to include details regarding political/diplomatic, cultural/intellectual and social/economic themes.
I. Uncertainty in Modern Thought
Before 1914, what did most people believe in?
How did the Great War change the attitudes of many?
a. Modern PhilosophyExplain the theories of the following individuals:
Friedrich Nietzsche Ludwig Wittgenstein Jean-Paul Sartre
Explain “Existentialism”:
b. The Revival of Christianity
Why did religion become more relevant and meaningful to thinking people after the war than it had been before the war?
c. The New Physics
Why was the “New Physics” so challenging to European society? Why did it cause controversy?
Describe the contributions of the following scientists:
Marie Curie Max Plank Albert Einstein Ernest Rutherford Werner Heisenberg
d. Freudian Psychology
Explain the findings and speculations of Freud Impact on Europe
e. Twentieth-Century Literature
What was the general intellectual climate of the post-war era?
How did George Orwell’s 1984 predict the anti-Utopia of the future?
II. Modern Art and Music
a. Architecture and Design
Define “Functionalism”
What was Bauhaus?
b. Modern Painting: Characterize and explain each of the following modern art movements. Include representative artists.
Impressionism Postimpressionism/Expressionism Les Fauves
Cubism Dadaism Surrealism
Draw a line to the artistic movement in which this painting belongs:
Read “Images in Society” on page 934-935. What is the title of this painting, and what is it
III. Movies and Radio
How did radio and motion pictures become tools of indoctrination in the post-war era?
IV. The Search for Peace and Political Stability
a. Germany and the Western Powers
What was the major problem with the Treaty of
What was France’s stance on the nature of the
What was Great Britain’s stance on the nature of
the peace?
Why did France begin to make alliances with the
newly formed nations of eastern Europe?
Why did the French occupy the Ruhr in January
What was the impact of the occupation, both
economically and politically?
b. Hope in Foreign Affairs, 1924-1929: How did each help to lessen international tensions in the post-war era?
Dawes Plan (__________) Locarno Agreement (__________) Kellogg-Briand Pact (__________)
c. Hope in Democratic Government
Why did the Nazi Party pose little threat to
German politics in the 1920s?
What was the political situation within
France in the 1920s?
What was the political situation within
England in the 1920s?
Describe the impact of the rise of the Labour Party in England in the 1920s?
V. The Great Depression, 1929-1939
a. The Economic Crisis & Mass Unemployment
Why did the financial panic in the US trigger a worldwide financial crisis? Describe the social problems that accompanied the economic collapse:
b. The Scandinavian Response to the Depression & Recovery and Reform in Britain and France
How did the Social Democrats in the
Scandinavian nations deal with the
economic crisis?
How did England address the economic crisis
of the 1930s?
How did the Popular Front seek to deal with
the economic problems of France? How did
the French respond?
VI. The Document-Based Question (DBQ)
a. Please read the “Introduction” on page A-2 (at the end of the textbook). Keep that in mind as you examine the documents on
page A-26-A-30.
DBQ 12: Age of Anxiety
Question: In what ways did European culture after WWI challenge the assumptions of the prewar, nineteenth-century European cultures?
Document 1: Otto Dix,
Document 2: Pablo
Picasso, Three Musicians
Document 3: Sigmund
Freud, 1930
Document 4: Yeats, “The
Second Coming”
Document 5: Remarque,
All Quiet on the Western
How does it
answer the
Document 6: Benito
Mussolini, 1932
Document 7: Helena
Swanwick, 1916
Document 8: Salvador
Dali, Persistence of
Document 9: Sir Arthur
Eddington, 1928
Document 10: Sylvester
Jazz Band, 1927
How does it
answer the
Write a thesis statement that specifically addresses the above question:
In the space below, outline how you would answer one of the following Free Response Essay Questions
1. Analyze the ways in which the theories of both Darwin and Freud challenged traditional European ways of thinking about religion, morality, and
human behavior in the period circa 18501950.
2. Analyze the impact of the First World War on European culture and society in the interwar period (1919-1939).
3. How did new theories in physics and psychology in the period from 1900 to 1939 challenge existing ideas about the individual and society?