Name ______________________ Class ____________________ Date __________________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 15: Slavery and Sectionalism
Section 1
Slavery in Georgia
Use the information from page 356 - 362 to complete the
1. Much of Georgia's _______________ was based on the labor of __________________
people. (page 355)
2. The ___________________ of slaves increased throughout the period historians call
the __________________________, or pre-Civil War period of U.S. history. (page 355)
3. As the institution of slavery grew in the _________________, opposition to it grew in the
_________________. (page 355)
4. The antislavery movement, including the _________________________ who wanted to
do away with slavery throughout the United States, became an important
______________ for northerners. (page 355)
5. Slaves in Georgia all lived under the same set of ______________ about slavery, called
the slave ____________.
6. They [slaves] all lacked the __________________ to make most decisions about their
_______________ and where and how they would spend them.
7. No factor in a slave's well-being was more important than his or her _______________.
8. The amount of ______________ and ________________, the quality of
___________________, the likelihood of being able to ______________ with family
members, and the amount of ______________________ could all vary by the kindness,
_______________ or _______________ of an owner.
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9. Men and women had different _____________________ in slavery; women were
expected not only to ____________, but also to produce many __________________.
10. An individual slave spent most of the day __________________.
11. The majority of slaves were _____________ slaves, which meant they worked
__________________, tending and _____________________ the crops they grew for
their owners, especially the _____________ crops.
12. Growing ____________ required a _____________ deal of work, which meant that not
enough rice could be grown by a small farmer to be _________________.
13. Therefore, rice was grown on large ___________________ with __________ slaves.
14. Rice plantations used the _____________ __________________, where each day a
_______________ amount of work, usually in a portion of a rice field was
________________ to each slave.
15. Average task assignments had slaves working from _____________ to ____________
hours a day; those who worked fast finished early.
16. Work on rice plantations was very ________________. Rice fields had to be flooded
with _____________ off and on during the growing period.
17. Slaves did their work while standing in water that might also harbor _____________
and ____________________.
18. Rice fields were breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which carried ________________.
19. Both men and women worked in the fields, given tasks based on what owners or
__________________ (supervisors) thought them capable of doing.
20. ___________________ usually received their first tasks around age ten.
21. ____________________ plantations were different.
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22. Slaves worked on the ______________ system, where work was based on
23. Men and women planted, tended, or harvested cotton in _______________, or gangs,
from sunup to _____________________.
24. Those on the gang system had no hope of ____________ time for themselves, no
matter how _____________ they worked.
25. In fact, to make sure they kept a __________________ pace, slaves under the gang
system worked under the watchful eyes of overseers and _________________ (older
slaves the plantation owner thought were loyal).
26. If the slaves worked too slowly, they were often punished, especially by being
27. Although most slaves worked in the fields, a few worked as _________________
servants and some were __________________.
28. Some house servants ________________ in the main house, sometimes on cots in the
hall or in the rooms with ____________________ under their care.
29. Most slaves, however, had _________________ away from the main house. On large
plantations, the "__________________" where they lived was similar to a small village.
30. Two important aspects of life for many slaves were _________________ and
31. A slave _________________ was not a _______________ marriage with a license from
the courthouse, but many slaves considered themselves ________________ to their
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32. __________________ thought that couples made slave communities more
33. Owners also wanted their slave women to have children because that ______________
their slave population without their having to ___________ additional slaves.
34. Since slave relationships did not have the legal status of marriage, owners could still
__________________ the couple by ________________ one of them.
35. __________________ was also an important part of the lives of many slaves.
36. ___________________ of this period had both _____________ and white members,
although many sanctuaries had _______________ balconies where the slaves and free
blacks sat.
37. Some towns had independent _______________ churches where slaves could worship
more ______________ without their owners around.
38. Such churches were sometimes _______________ to have a ______________ person
present to make sure no ____________________ were plotted.
39. Wherever they worshiped, religion offered _______________ and, for some slaves, the
______________ of justice, if not on earth then in heaven.
40. __________________, on the other hand, saw religion as a way of ________________
slaves by emphasizing parts of the _______________ that stressed obedience and
41. In _____________, Georgia passed a new slave code. These laws affected many
_______________ of slaves' lives.
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42. Because slave owners in Georgia believed that ____________________ slaves were
easier to control, it was __________________ to teach slaves to read and
43. They [slaves] could not own ___________________.
44. They also could not __________________ without written passes from their owners.
45. There were many ______________ that could result in a slave's ______________
including murder, ________________ (setting a fire), and plotting a rebellion.
46. While owners had been able to ______________ or sell __________________ to
slaves before 1833, that was no longer allowed under the new code.
47. Some slave _________________ who wanted to ____________ slaves joined the
organization called the _________________ Colonization Society, which sent freed
______________ to a country it had bought in Africa called ________________.
48. With the law and law enforcement on the side of white slave owners,
____________________ to slavery was difficult and ___________________.
49. Some acts of __________________ were hidden, such as working _______________,
pretending to be sick, breaking _____________, or taking extra ______________.
50. The most common open resistance was __________________ away.
51. Owners put ads in the ________________________ describing runaway slaves.
52. In fact, most attempts at freedom were _______________________.
53. Occasionally, slaves went beyond running away and planned fill-scale _____________.
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54. In Augusta, a slave named Coco, or _____________, conspired in 1819 to set fires on
two ends of the town. While whites were busy putting out the ________________, he
and his followers planned to ____________ the place where ___________ and
ammunition were kept and __________ over the town.
55. His revolt never ____________________ because it was reported. He was
___________________, found guilty, and ________________.
56. Nat ______________________ revolt in 1831 in Southampton, Virginia, caused so
much ______________ in slave owners throughout the ______________ that most
southern states passed new, ______________ slave codes.
Name ______________________ Class ____________________ Date __________________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 15: Slavery and Sectionalism
Section 2
Georgia, the Nation, and Sectionalism, 1820 - 1848
Use the information from page 364 - 371 to complete the
1. As the United States grew ______________________ in the 1800s, different regions or
section of the country __________________ in different ways.
2. In upper South states such as Virginia and Kentucky, ___________________ was still a
major crop.
3. After Eli _____________________ invention of the cotton __________, the lower South
states from South Carolina all the way across to eastern Texas had become
__________________ producers by the 1820s.
4. Rice was still grown in coastal _________________, the Carolinas, and
5. Louisiana also produced some ________________ from sugar cane.
6. All of these cash crops required many ___________________, so _________________
grew in all those areas.
7. ______________________ was also important in the upper ___________________
states, which included Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and eventually Iowa.
8. The major ____________ in those states, however, was _______________ such as
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9. The invention in the 1830s of a better _____________ by John ________________ and
a machine to ______________ (harvest) wheat by Cyrus ____________________
made it possible for the average farmer to grow much more wheat ________________
extra workers.
10. But the ______________________ of grain crops took less _______________, so the
_______________ difference in these two agricultural areas [North and South] was that
the northern farmers did not use ________________.
11. In fact, the _______________________ Ordinance of 1787, passed during the
Confederation period, made slavery ________________ in those areas.
12. As the ___________________ between the North and South grew, the
____________________ areas of the north did not ____________ with the agricultural
South, even though both had ________________ based on farming.
13. The ________________________ area of the country had some farming, but it also
relied on ___________________ and _______________ as an important part of the
14. By the 1800s, _________ __________________ had built ___________________ that
manufactured various goods including guns, shoes, and, most importantly,
15. Factories led to the growth of towns and cities, so the Northeast became increasingly
________________ (city-centered), while the South stayed mainly _____________
16. These ___________________ differences led to differences in the kind of
__________________ the areas were willing to support.
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17. This emphasis on policies good for one's own region over others and the tensions that
emerged over these differences is known as ________________________.
18. Following the War of 1812, Georgians and other Americans were very _____________
of their country and wanted to make it __________________.
19. For example, ___________________ created a national ______________ and passed
America's first protective __________________ (a tax on imports).
20. A tariff is considered "_____________________" when it imposes a high tax on
________________ goods, making them cost more than the same goods
______________ in the United States.
21. Thus the tariff protects the American ____________________ from foreign
____________________ by making the American-made goods _________________.
22. Because Americans agreed that they wanted their nation to be stronger, the period after
the War of 1812 until the mid-1820s is known as the "Era of Good
23. ___________________ was part of the ____________________ Purchase territory,
and no _____________ had been passed about whether slavery would be
_______________ in states made from the territory.
24. In 1819, Missouri requested ______________________.
25. At that time, there were eleven _________________ states (those that allowed slavery)
and eleven _____________ states (those that no longer allowed slavery or were in the
process of abolishing it).
26. This meant that the U.S. _______________ had an ______________ number of
senators from the slave states and the free states.
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27. In the House of Representatives, the free states had ____________ representatives
because they had a greater ___________________ than the slave states.
28. _________________ planned to allow slavery.
29. A congressman from the free state of __________________ (which was next to
Missouri) wanted to ________________ the Missouri statehood law to
_______________ Missouri to do away with slavery.
30. This caused a huge _____________.
31. Senator Henry ______________ of Kentucky offered a ___________________:
Missouri would be allowed to join the ________________ as a slave state.
32. ________________, which was a part of Massachusetts at that time, would be divided
from Massachusetts and admitted as a _____________ state.
33. That would maintain the ________________ between slave and free states in the U.S.
34. To prevent further arguments, a _____________ was drawn westward across the rest
of the Louisiana Purchase ___________________; slavery would be allowed
____________ of that line.
35. Although both sides accepted this __________________ ______________________ in
1820, the event showed that the question of slavery and its _________________ into
new areas was going to be an issued that __________________ people.
36. When the first protective tariff passed in 1816, it had wide __________________ from
the public, who wanted to encourage the establishment of ______________________
in America.
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37. When an even higher tariff passed Congress in 1828, however, many in the
__________________ objected.
38. With ________________ manufacturing in their area [South], southerners increasingly
saw the protective ______________ as a ____________ that helped
39. Vice President John C. ____________________, who had supported the 1816 tariff,
secretly _______________ a pamphlet ________________ the tariff.
40. He [Calhoun] argued that a state had the right to ____________ a law that it thought
41. This idea of voiding and not following national laws within a state is known as
42. This _______________________ was one of the ideas that became part of the states'
rights argument.
43. ________________ __________________ is the belief that all powers not specifically
given to the national government in the U.S. Constitution or specifically denied to the
states remain with the states.
44. Calhoun thought a _______________ had the right to put itself between the
_____________________ government and the _________________.
45. A law could be _____________________ only if a special state __________________
called for that purpose, not by the state legislature.
46. Under his doctrine, the law would remain _____________ while the national
government passed a constitutional _______________________ giving it the specific
power to make such a law.
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47. If the state was still ___________________, he argued the state had the right to
_________________, or ___________________, from the United States.
48. In 1829, ____________ C. Calhoun was ________________ vice president of the
United States under the administration of President Andrew __________________.
49. When another _______________ was passed in 1832, an angry Calhoun
________________ and went home to South Carolina to fight the tariff.
50. As president, ___________________ Jackson had to ________________ the national
law, so he prepared to do that even if it meant having to use federal _______________.
51. ______________ Carolina threatened to _________________ if troops were used.
52. Georgia's __________________ had come out in opposition to the 1828 tariff. But
while Georgians did not ____________ the tariff, they also did not respond as strongly
as South Carolinians.
53. The Georgia legislature again came out in opposition to protective tariffs, but it also
opposed ____________________.
54. This entire incident is known as the nullification _______________.
55. However, this stance for states' rights in South Carolina had an even deeper issue than
the tariff - the question of __________________.
56. Slaves made up over _______ percent of South Carolina's population, and South
Carolina's political leaders did not want the national __________________ to have the
power to _________ a law that would limit or _____________ slavery.
57. Great ___________________ was planning to pass a law _____________ slavery in all
its territories (it passed in 1833). South Carolinians were ______________ that
Congress might do the same in the ________________ ________________.
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58. In 1831, the ___________________ movement found a _______________ and greater
organization when William Lloyd ____________________, founded his newspaper, The
59. The newspaper was dedicated to writing about the _________________ of slavery and
calling for it to end.
60. He [Garrison] hoped to persuade people that slavery was _________________ wrong.
61. Within two years, Garrison and others had founded both the New England
___________-________________ and the American Anti-Slavery Society.
62. Their early efforts mainly involved what they called "moral ____________________."
63. Some also participated in the informal system of ______________ and safe
_________________ that helped slaves, mainly from the border states,
________________ to the North.
64. In 1831, this became known as the _______________________ _________________.
65. By 1840, however, abolitionism was becoming a _________________ issue.
66. _____________________ slave owners and some other white southerners felt
_____________________ by the antislavery movement.
67. They saw slaves as __________________ to their economic system.
68. They argued that African Americans were racially __________________ and were
better off in slavery.
69. They even said that slavery had _____________ points because slaves were taken
___________ of and taught ____________________.
70. The Louisiana Purchase territory was the _______________ edge of the United States.
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71. Beyond that was the country of _________________, which had won its independence
from Spain in 1821.
72. In the 1820's, southerners from the United States began to move across the
_______________ into what was then the northern territory of Mexico called
73. At first, the ____________________ government had __________________ these
American immigrants to their territory.
74. The number of Americans _____________ in Texas, however, grew to the point that
they vastly _____________________ the number of native-born _______________.
75. In 1836, the ____________________ living in Texas _______________ and declared
themselves ___________________ from Mexico. A brief ________________ followed.
76. The Americans _________ and declared themselves a separate country called the
__________________ of Texas. Its ____________ had one star.
77. Most ______________ wanted to become __________ of the United States, but the
U.S. government was afraid of making Mexico angry if it ___________________
(added) Texas.
78. In 1845, James K. _____________ from Tennessee became __________________.
79. He had ____________________ on annexing Texas, and so, in 1845, Texas became
the _____________ ___________ state.
80. This did anger Mexico and helped lead to the _______________ -_________________
War in 1846.
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81. There were a few Georgia leaders who _________________ the war, including
Alexander _________________, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from
82. But for most Georgians, the annexation of ______________ brought another
_____________ state into the Union, and they wanted it to stay.
83. Most _________________ who fought in the war were ___________________ and
________ percent of those volunteers came from the _____________.
84. The U.S. _________________ in that war led to a _______________ that recognized
Texas's independence from Mexico, and gave the United States a huge ____________
of land that is now the southwest corner of the United States, including
85. The new _____________________ once again brought up the question of the
expansion of ____________________.
86. Congress had tried to pass a _______________ during the war saying that any
____________ territory acquired from the war would be _____________ territory.
87. But while the bill had _______________ the U.S. House of Representatives, it had been
________________ in the _______________ where the number of free and slave
states was equal.
Name ______________________ Class ____________________ Date __________________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 15: Slavery and Sectionalism
Section 3
The Road to War: 1848 - 1861
Use the information from page 372 - 380 to complete the
1. The Mexican-American War had not received the total ________________ of the
American citizens.
2. Some ______________________ saw it as an unjust war, taking the territory of a
________________ country. But many other Americans had come to believe, even
before the war, that America was _________________ to expand from the
_________________ to the __________________ Ocean.
3. A writer had called this America's __________________ _________________.
4. In 1846, while the Mexican-American War was going on, the United States had signed a
__________________ with Great Britain dividing the northwest ________________
Territory between them at the 49th parallel line.
5. The __________________ of slavery was not really an _______________ in this more
northern area.
6. By the late 1840s, the _______________________ movement in the North had become
7. Even northerners who believed that slavery should not be _____________________
with where it already __________________ also believed that the national government
had the right to keep it from __________________ into new territories.
8. This idea was known as ____________ _______________.
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9. The Democratic Party responded by adopting a position called ___________________
______________________, an idea that allows the people in a new territory to decide
an issue, such as whether to allow ___________________.
10. From the election of 1848 until the ____________ ________ broke out, slavery and the
question of expansion continued to be a major __________________ issue.
11. It was the big argument over ___________________, and over the territories of Kansas
and Nebraska, over the ____________ ______________ decision of the U.S. Supreme
Court in 1857, and the ___________________ of 1860.
12. The new territory of the American ___________________ included the desert lands of
what later became _________________, Arizona, and New Mexico as well as the
______________ Mountains.
13. California especially had many _______________: There were good bays for
_____________ and __________________ valleys for farming and raising livestock.
14. Some adventurous Americans from the ______________ also began to settle in
northern California in the valley of the ______________________ River during the rush
toward ________________ in the 1840s.
15. After 1848, they were all part of the ______________ ______________.
16. In that year [1848], as workmen built a mill for Swiss immigrant John
________________ in California, they discovered shiny flakes of ___________.
17. At first, Americans ________________ in California were the main ones to head for the
hills in search of their __________________.
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18. But, by 1849, Americans from the East were coming in ____________ around the tip of
______________ America or making the journey by ________________ across the
American West. These were the "______________ -______________."
19. California needed _____________________. When Zachary _________________, a
________________ hero of the Mexican-American War, became__________________
in 1849, he advised California to apply for __________________.
20. California voters had _________________ a state constitution by November 1849 and
requested statehood as a _____________ state.
21. __________________ slave owners immediately ________________ that, even though
California had used _________________ sovereignty, deciding for themselves that they
did not want slavery.
22. California's admission as a free _____________ would change the ______________ of
power between free and slave states in the __________________.
23. The two major national parties at the time - the ______________________ and the
______________ - found themselves being torn apart on sectional lines.
24. __________________ trying to hold their parties and the country _________________
tried to find another compromise.
25. In the end, five laws passed Congress in a deal known as the ____________________
of 1850.
26. Southern leaders responded to the sectional crises by holding ___________________
to decide how to _______________ the South and the __________________ of
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27. The June meeting [in Nashville] took a moderate ____________-and-_____________
28. In ____________________, the Compromise of 1850 passed.
29. They [southern leaders] ___________________ the compromise and insisted the
southern states had the right to _______________.
30. _________________ played a key role in keeping this more extreme position of
__________________ from happening in the 1850 crisis.
31. This _________________ over the Compromise of 1850 led to the
__________________ of new state political _____________ in Georgia.
32. Those who ____________________ secession and opposed compromise became the
Southern _________________ Party.
33. Those who supported ______________________ and opposed secession formed a
_________________ that was pro-Union.
34. This later group was led by Alexander Stephens, Howell _____________, and Robert
35. After the Compromise of 1850, Georgia held an election for a __________________ to
meet on the compromise. The pro-Union faction __________ a major victory and
formed the _____________________ Union Party at the convention in December.
36. The convention then passed the _________________ __________________
introduced by Charles Jones ________________.
37. The Georgia Platform __________________ the Compromise of 1850 but agreed to
_____________ if the North did not live up to its obligations or if it ________________
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38. Thanks to other states ______________________ the Georgia Platform, the
____________________ was accepted, even though many in the North and South did
not like it.
39. In the _______________, the sight of runaway slaves, including some who had been in
the North for a long time, being ________________ and taken away in
_______________ led many northerners to resist the __________________ Slave Law.
40. In reaction to the compromise, Harriet Beecher _______________ wrote
____________ __________ ______________, a novel that depicts the
_________________ of slavery through the story of slaves Uncle Tom, Eliza, and
Eliza's young child.
41. When the book was ____________________ in 1852, it sold three hundred
_________________ copies and stirred many northerners to become
42. Back in 1820, southerners had supported the Missouri Compromise which allowed
slavery in the __________________ Purchase territory south of Missouri's border.
43. Since that time, _____________ had come into the Union as the only ___________
state from the Louisiana Purchase territory.
44. Even though the area north of the ___________________ Compromise line was mainly
______________, some northerners wanted it open for ___________________.
45. Illinois Senator Stephen _________________ wanted to run a transcontinental
_________________ through the area, with its eastern end in ________________.
46. In 1854, Douglas introduced legislation to organize this area into two new territories -
___________________ and __________________.
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47. To get southern support, he included a _______________ stating that the Compromise
of 1850 had made popular _____________________ available to the territories.
48. This changed the ____________________ of slavery set out in the Missouri
49. When the _______________ - _____________________ Act passed, many
_________________ free soilers believed that the national government had come
under control of some sort of "____________ power."
50. Georgia's Alexander _________________ had been the manager of the __________ in
the House, and he was very happy about its __________________.
51. But every northern ____________ congressman had voted ________________ it, as
had every northern Whig in the ________________.
52. The Kansas-Nebraska Act ________________ the Whig party in the country. Northern
Whigs did not ______________ to be in the same party with the southern Whigs.
53. In the end, they [northern Whigs] and free soilers joined to form a new party - the
___________________ Party.
54. The new party _________________ that the national government had the right to
_____________ slavery to the areas where it already ______________ and to _______
it in new territories.
55. One northerner who joined the Republican Party was Abraham __________________
of Illinois.
56. ________________ was the ground on which the increasing _________________
between the North and South became violent.
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57. Those who lived there were to _______________ if it [Kansas] would become a
_______________ state or a ____________ state.
58. Thousands of _________________ moved into the state so they could vote.
59. Proslavery __________________, some of whom never actually _____________ in
Kansas, crossed into Kansas to vote _____________ on slavery.
60. The result was a territorial ___________________ that had more _________________
members; it voted to ____________ slavery.
61. _____________________ voters complained about the voting ____________.
62. By January 1856, two ____________________ were set up in Kansas, one proslavery
and one antislavery.
63. By the summer of 1856, the _________________ had gone beyond the legislature into
the countryside.
64. Proslavery supporters attacked the __________ ___________ town of Lawrence,
burning down buildings and looting.
65. After hearing about Lawrence, white abolitionist John _____________ and his followers
vowed __________________. They ____________________ five unarmed, proslavery
66. Proslavery Kansans _____________________, and Kansas soon became
"________________ Kansas."
67. The _____________________ in 1856 ran on the free soil platform of not allowing
____________________ to expand into new territory, while the _________________
supported popular sovereignty.
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68. Some southerners had threatened ___________________ if Republican nominee John
C. _________________ won. But Democrat James __________________ won the
69. Two days after _______________ Buchanan was sworn in, the U.S. _______________
Court tried to end the arguments over slavery through a __________________ in the
case of Dred Scott and his family.
70. Although he had been a slave his ________________ life, Dred Scott had traveled and
lived with his owner, an army ______________, in _________________ (a free state)
and Wisconsin( a free ___________________).
71. In 1846, Scott had begun the _____________ suit for his and his family's
_________________ because they had lived in territory that did _________ allow
72. __________ years later, in 1857, the case reached the Supreme Court, which was in
control of southerners and headed by Chief Justice Roger ______________ from the
slave state of Maryland.
73. The Court ______________ that blacks, free or slave, were not __________________,
which meant they did not have the civil right to sue.
74. Finally, the __________________ ruled that ________________ had never had the
right to forbid slavery in territories.
75. One northerner who had not given up was ____________ Brown of "Bleeding Kansas."
76. Brown had the idea that southern slaves needed help to _______________ themselves.
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77. He came up with the idea of _________________ the U.S. government's
____________________ (arms storehouse) at _________________ ______________,
Virginia, to take guns and ammunition, ______________ the slaves, and starting a
slave _____________.
78. It was a wild ____________________ with no chance of ________________. Eight of
his [Brown's] men, including two sons, were _______________, and Brown himself was
79. The _____________ Party had already died over the issue of ________________,
replaced by the Republican Party, a northern party.
80. In 1860, the ____________________ Party also fell apart. Its first convention to chose
a _________________________ candidate was deadlocked.
81. At a second convention, most of the ________________ delegates walked out, had a
convention of their own, and nominated John Breckinridge of ___________________
as the candidate of the ____________________ Democratic Party.
82. The ___________________ Democratic Party chose Steven _________________ of
Illinois as its candidate, with Georgian Hershel V. Johnson as his ___________
presidential candidate.
83. Some concerned citizens in the __________________ states (those states between
the slave states and free states) formed a political party called the Constitutional
________________ Party and nominated John ____________ of Tennessee for
84. Meanwhile, the Republicans nominated __________________ Lincoln of Illinois.
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85. They (Southern democrats) supported a ______________ slave code and stressed the
right of the states.
86. The ________________________ opposed that [slave code] and supported the
__________ ____________ position.
87. The ___________________ Democrats supported popular sovereignty.
88. Breckinridge won the popular ____________ in Georgia and Georgia's
_________________ vote. Abraham Lincoln was not even on the ____________ in
Georgia and nine other Deep South states.
89. Nationally, Lincoln got about _______ percent of the popular vote. But Lincoln got
___________- electoral votes, more than enough to __________ the election.
90. With Republican Abraham Lincoln on his way to the _____________ _____________,
many ______________ leaders thought that their way of life was
___________________, as was the ___________ of states to decide issues such as
91. ______________ Carolina led the way [to secession], holding a special convention in
December 1860. The delegates voted to ______________ the United States.
92. _________________ also elected delegates to a special convention held in January
1861, but in Georgia it included many that favored _________________ over
93. Among other things, they [delegates at convention] argued, that if they _____________
they would have more ______________ in talks with the North, which might agree to
some of the South's _________________.
Georgia(Studies(for(Georgia(Students!!!!!!!!!Chapter!15!-!3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Page!11 of!
94. The vote on a _______________ for secession was 166 to 130 in ______________.
When delegates voted on the _______________ ordinance of secession the next day,
however, the vote was 208 to 89 in favor.
95. One of the most important ___________________ in Georgia before, during, and after
the ____________ _________ was Alexander Hamilton ___________________ of
Taliaferro (pronounced "Tolliver") County. (page 381)
96. Stephen was a Georgian who belonged to the ____________ Party, the party that
believed in a ______________ national government. (page 381)
97. He defended the institution of _______________ although he believed that slaves
should be _________________ well. (page 381)
98. Even at Georgia's ____________________ convention in 1861, he continued to
__________________ secession. (page 381)
99. However, when his state __________________, he accepted the decision and went
with the ____________________. (page 381)