Chapter 12 Volunteering
Learning Objectives
After carefully reading this chapter, and completing the exercise within it, you should be able to:
Recognize that volunteering can enhance career development
Identify skills associated with volunteering
Develop a Volunteer Action Plan to engage with your next volunteer experience
Volunteering has many benefits to you and your community. Most likely you have already volunteered
your time and helped others on many occasions and in many different ways. What you may not be
aware of, are the many skills that you develop while you are volunteering. This chapter will give you an
overview of the what, why and how to volunteer. It will also provide a list of skills you can develop but it
will be your responsibility to prioritize the skills that you would like to develop. Finally, the chapter
concludes with an activity that allows you to create a Volunteer Activity Plan for engaging in your next
volunteer experience. Let’s get started.
What is volunteering?
Volunteering can be broken down into two categories, managed and unmanaged. As Dingle, Sokolowski,
Saxon-Harold, Smith & Leigh (2001) explain, managed volunteering takes place in public, private and not
for profit organizations while unmanaged volunteering is spontaneous and sporadic help between
members of the public or family and friends. This chapter will focus more on managed volunteer
experiences and more specifically within non-profit organizations. This should not take away from your
efforts in seeking out unmanaged volunteering experiences in your community.
Volunteering has been defined as, “unpaid help, in the form of time, service or skills, through an
organisation or group, and carried out willingly without coercion” (Oppenheimer, 2008, p. 6). It is really
about you going out and helping at a not for profit organization. See Appendix 12.1 for a list of
community organisations that you may be able to volunteer with in your community.
Communities rely on volunteers to serve and help. Canadians volunteer over 1.9 billion hours a year
which is significant (Statistics Canada, 2013). The Conference Board of Canada (2018), estimates that
volunteering would add nearly 56 billion dollars to Canada’s GDP in 2017 alone, which would account for
2.6% of Canada’s economic activity. This truly shows the impact of volunteering, but why is it that
people give their time to help out in their communities? Let’s explore some reasons why so many
Canadians volunteer.
Why Volunteer?
There are multiple reasons why people volunteer. Some people volunteer solely to benefit other people
or a cause, and this is known as altruism. Others volunteer to meet people, socialize and feel good about
doing something good for their community, which may be done for personal wellbeing. A practical
reason to volunteer is to gain valuable skills to use both personally and professionally towards your
career development. Table 12.1 created by Smith, Holmes, Haski-Leventhal, Cnaan, Handy, & Brudney
(2010), outlines the top motivations why students volunteer. The following sections will elaborate upon
these and other reasons to get out there and volunteer.
Table 12.1 Motivations to Volunteer. Used under CC BY 3.0
/ Part of original table removed
Altruism and Empathy
Altruism is a commendable reason to volunteer with organizations. “Altruism refers to helping others
when there is little or no perceived potential for a direct, explicit reward to the self” (Carlo, Hausmann,
Christiansen & Randall, 2003, p. 113). The primary focus is on the ‘other’ whether it be human, animal or
a social cause. As shown in Table 12.1, the number one motivation for students to volunteer was to
“help others”. This is a true altruistic endeavor, but it does not mean that it is the only reason to
volunteer. Let’s now look at increasing our wellbeing as a motivation for volunteering.
Personal Wellbeing
Research has shown that prosocial activities, including volunteering, contribute to the constructs found
within wellbeing (Li & Ferraro, 2005; Thoits & Hewitt, 2001). Volunteer experiences offer a space for you
to develop your wellbeing but this can be different for each individual, as personal wellbeing means
different things to different people. Thoits & Hewitt (2001), found that volunteering enhances wellbeing
in six areas including, happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health
and depression. This would seem like a valid reason to volunteer, but be aware that taking on too many
responsibilities, including volunteering, can cause you to become over extended, which can actually lead
to being unwell. So, if you can enhance your wellbeing while volunteering, what else can you gain while
helping in your community? Let’s take a look at developing new skills while volunteering.
Skill Development
Altruism and enhancing your wellbeing are compelling reasons to volunteer, but focusing on skill
development can lead to learning that will transcend other areas in your life. It can be as easy as picking
a skill and intentionally focussing on developing that skill while you are volunteering. For example,
maybe you want to focus on teamwork. While volunteering you may want to ask questions to some of
the team members, about how they work together or whether they follow a theory or philosophy of
teamwork. You may want to think about how ideas around teamwork differs or is similar to how you
work as part of a team. These are only examples, but the most important aspect of skill development is
being intentional about a skill and focussing on it throughout your experience. There are many skills you
can develop and table 12.2 below, recommends 19 skills that young people reported developing while
volunteering (Oldfield, 2006). Take a look and see what skills you might develop during your next
volunteer experience.
Skills Developed while Volunteering
The following skills were identified when volunteering:
Managing relationships
Understanding society
Preparation for work
Active listening
Improving learning
Taking responsibility
Understanding diversity
Rights and responsibilities
Table 12.2 Skills Developed while Volunteering
Another useful skill to develop while out volunteering is networking. Networking can be defined as a
“goal-directed behavior which occurs both inside and outside of an organization, focussed on creating,
cultivating, and utilizing interpersonal relationships” (Gibson, Hardy & Buckley, 2014, p. 146). When
volunteering, you have the opportunity to create relationships with other volunteers. You most likely
already have a commonality with those people in that you are volunteering for the same organization.
You never know who you are volunteering with; they could be your next employer or somebody that
can write you a valuable reference letter. Be aware of who you are volunteering with but don’t be
presumptuous with what you want. It takes time to build relationships.
Now that you have at least three reasons to volunteer, let’s look at how to find that next volunteer
How to Volunteer?
The following section will not only help you find that right volunteer experience, but will also help you
get the most out of your experience. After reading this section check out the Volunteer Activity Plan that
will help you during your volunteer experience.
Finding the right Experience
The following is a quick guide, to help you find your next volunteer experience:
1. Find a volunteer organization with which you share common interests
It’s important to think about the skills you already possess and your interests in order to find an
appropriate organization. This will keep you engaged and wanting to continue your work with the
organization. For example, if you are interested in animals you may want to contact the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).
2. Look online or talk with friends and family to find opportunities
You will find many volunteer opportunities online, such as, Volunteer Canada
check with your local volunteer centre that can be found in most communities. Also, check with family
and friends about any opportunities they may know about in your community. See Appendix 12.1 for a
list of community organisations that you may be able to volunteer with in your community.
3. Pick an organization that will help you to develop new skills
You may bring many skills to an organization but be mindful of the skills that you may be able to
develop. Many organizations offer training and professional development for their volunteers.
4. Manage your time
It is very important that you are able to manage all of the responsibilities in your life. Although volunteer
work is unpaid, consider it similar to a job or class, requiring the same commitments. Volunteer
organizations rely heavily on their volunteers. Be realistic about how much time you have to volunteer
and try not to overcommit.
5. Training and Criminal Record Checks
Some volunteer organizations will offer on-site training. Be sure to take part in any needed training and
be willing to take more training if needed. You may also be able to gain certification for certain training.
This will help build your skills and develop your resume.
Some organizations will request a criminal record check before you can volunteer. This is normally done
if you are working with “at-risk” populations, including children and/or vulnerable adults. In Canada,
every province is different, so be sure to look into this well in advance as some criminal record checks
can take several weeks to complete. There may also be a fee associated with criminal record checks and
some volunteer organizations will pay the fee for you. Be sure to find this out before you start the
criminal record check process.
Getting the most from your Experience
Once you have found an organization that interests you, follow these steps to get the most from your
1. Contact the organization
The first contact with a volunteer organization is very important. It is a time to ask any questions you
may have, but also a time for the organization to find out about you. Some organizations expect you to
contact them in person, by phone or email while other organizations will have you fill out a
questionnaire. Each organization is different but don’t hesitate to contact as many organizations until
you find the right fit.
2. Expectations
Every volunteer experience will be different, but if you treat volunteering like a job or class, you will
have more success. Always ask what is expected of you and be sure to communicate what you can offer
the organization in terms of time and resources. Communication is key when working with organizations
as they rely on you to be a committed member of their team.
3. On the day
Be on time! If for some reason you are unable to volunteer, be sure to contact your volunteer co-
ordinator or supervisor in advance and let them know. They are relying on you to help on the day. When
volunteering, if you don’t know something, ask for help. And finally, have fun and remember to focus on
those skills and network!
4. Receiving feedback
It’s really important to ask your volunteer co-ordinator or supervisor for any feedback they have about
your involvement. This will help you the next time you are volunteering. It is also important to take
some time and reflect about your experience, which will be discussed in the next section.
Taking your Volunteer Experience to the next level through Reflection
The following section will outline the use of reflective practice to be used alongside your volunteering
experience. Reflection accentuates your experiences and allows for more meaningful learning to take
place. Let’s see how reflection can become part of your next volunteer experience.
What is Reflection?
As one of the pioneers of reflective pedagogy, John Dewey (1933), defined reflection as, “active,
persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the
grounds that support it and the further conclusion to which it tends" (p.9). In your volunteer experience,
this means being intentional about the skills you are developing and reflecting upon your experience
once you are done. This process is what David Kolb (1984) developed and named the cycle for
experiential learning as outlined in Figure 12.1.
Figure 12.1. Based upon Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, 1984 and Lewin’s Experiential
Learning Model, 1951
When the experiential cycle is modeled through a volunteer experience, the concrete experience is the
actual volunteer experience. As you move into reflective observation, this is when you need to be
reflective about your experience. Reflection is not about describing your experience, but more about
unpacking the learning that came from the experience. It’s engaging with the sensory experiences that
come from volunteering or asking critical questions about your experience. Check out Section 3 of the
Volunteer Action Plan for example reflection questions. The next stage in the model is abstract
conceptualization; this is the new learning that takes place through your reflective practice, which can
include new skills, ideas or concepts. This is why it is imperative that you are intentional about the skills
you are developing. The final stage is active experimentation whereby you take your new learning and
adapt it to a new experience. This may be taking a new skill you learned and transferring that skill to
your classes, work, or your next volunteer experience. The cycle continues and can be used with any
Concrete Experience
(doing/having a volunteer
Reflective Observation
(reviewing/reflecting on a
volunteer experience)
(concluding/learning from
the volunteer experience)
Active Experimentation
(planning/trying out what
you learned)
experiential learning opportunities. Reflection is truly where your learning comes full circle. Let’s now
look at how you can take all of this information and create a plan for your next volunteer experience.
Volunteer Action Plan
The Volunteer Action Plan provided below is meant to be used before, during and after your volunteer
experience. Section 1 outlines the demographic information that may be needed when selecting a
volunteer experience, including, when, where and who you are volunteering with. It will allow you to
keep track of any email addresses or phone numbers you may need.
Section 2 outlines the reasons you are volunteering and any skills you would like to develop while
engaging in your experience. This is where you need to be intentional about the learning that can take
place. This may change once you are involved in your volunteer experience as you may not be able to
work on a skill that you have outlined, and the experience may not accommodate that learning at that
time. So be flexible, and choose another skill that may be more appropriate.
Section 3 is meant to be completed after your experience. This is the descriptive and reflective
component to your plan. Take a bit of time and describe your experience, what were some of your
duties and what did you accomplish? Finally, answer any of the reflective questions provided. This is
such an important step in your learning. Get to the heart of the learning that has taken place and be
sure to be reflective.
Section 1
The reasons I am volunteering are:
(Confidence, Communication, Teamwork, Managing relationships, Understanding society, Self-management, Preparation for work, Active
listening, Leadership, Improving learning, Taking responsibility, Decision-making, Understanding diversity, Self-awareness, Problem-
solving, Rights and responsibilities, Planning, Negotiation, Budgeting)
3. Whatskillswereyouabletodevelopduringyourvolunteerexperience?
Howwillyou be able to transfer those skills to your classes, work, or your next
volunteer experience? (minimum 75 words)
4. Whenandwhereisyournextvolunteerexperiencegoingtotakeplace?
If you want suggestions for other opportunities, contact Brad Harasymchuk at to explore your options.
Section 3:
Reflection Questions
The following are a few questions to get you thinking about reflecting upon your
experience. Remember that reflection is about expressing the meaning behind your
experience, it’s not about describing what you did.
1. Whatwasdifferentfromwhatyouexpectedinyourvolunteerexperience?
Whydo you think it was different? (minimum 75 words)
2. Describe someoftheemotionsandfeelingsyouexperiencedwhilevolunteering?
(minimum 75 words, provide an example, value added to community)
Well done, you made it to the end and now have a better understanding of volunteering and its many
components. The previous sections have taken you from the beginning of understanding volunteerism
right through to finding an opportunity, creating a Volunteer Action Plan and finally reflecting upon your
experiences. It’s is now up to you, to take this information and put it into action. Go out and find that
opportunity to help your community and build those valuable skills that you can use in your life.
Appendix 12.1 Places to volunteer in your community
These are only examples of places to volunteer but do belong in many communities:
Local School
Local Church
Seniors Home
Food Bank
United Way
Rotary or other service group
Salvation Army
Red Cross
Immigrant Services
Online sites to consider:
Volunteer Canada
Volunteer British Columbia
Canada Service Corps
For a fun quiz, to find out what type of volunteer you are, check out
Carlo, G., Hausmann, A., Christiansen, S., & Randall, B. (2003). Sociocognitive and behavioral correlates
of a measure of prosocial tendencies for adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 23 (1), 107
134. doi:10.1177/0272431602239132
Dewey, J. (1933). How we think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative
process. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath and Co Publishers.
Dingle, A., Sokolowski, W., Saxon-Harold, S., Smith, J.S., & Leigh R. (2001). Measuring volunteering: a
practical toolkit. A joint project of INDEPENDENT SECTOR and United Nations Volunteers.
Retrieved from
Gibson, C., Hardy III, J., & Buckley R. (2014).Understanding the role of networking in organizations.
Career Development International, 19 (2), 146-161.
Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning : Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in Social sciences. New York: Harper & Row.
Li, Y., & Ferraro, K. (2005). Volunteering and depression in later life: Social benefit or selection
processes? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 46 (1), 68-84.
Oldfield, C. (2006, October). Young people’s volunteering and skills development. Retrieved from e-
Volunteerism A Journal to Inform and Challenge Leaders of Volunteers website:
Oppenheimer, M. (2008). Volunteering: Why we can’t survive without it. Sydney : UNSW Press, 2008.
Retrieved from
Smith, K., Holmes, K., Haski-Leventhal, D., Cnaan, A., Handy, F., & Brudney, L. (2010). Motivations and
benefits of student volunteering: Comparing regular, occasional, and non-volunteers in five
countries. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 1(1), 65-81. This work is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Statistics Canada. (2013, April 15). Volunteering and charitable giving in Canada. Retrieved from
Canadian Government website:
Thoits, P. & Hewitt, L. (2001). Volunteer work and well-being. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42
(2), 115-131. doi:10.2307/3090173
The Conference Board of Canada. (2018, April). The value of volunteering in Canada. Retrieved from
Volunteer Canada website: