Name: ______________________________ Class: ________________ Date: _______________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 10: Georgia in the Royal Period
Section 1
Government in Royal Georgia
Use the information from pages 216 - 224 to complete the
1. ______________________ in Georgia was quite different after the Trustee period
2. The executive of the colony was a royal ____________________ appointed by the king.
3. Instead, each royal governor arrived with _______________________ from the king,
which set the ________________ under which he would govern Georgia.
4. The royal governor had many ___________________, including the right to call the
legislature into _________________ or to dismiss it, to _________________ land, to
commission ___________________, to __________________ those convicted of
crimes, to spend funds, and to serve as commander-in-chief of the colony.
5. The royal government also included a _______________-member council, officially
appointed by the king.
6. The Governor's Council, in addition to ___________________ the governor, also
served as the upper house of the ________________________ (two-house)
legislature. As such it could ___________________ and vote on laws.
7. For the first time, the colony was to have an _____________________ assembly called
the ______________________ House of Assembly.
8. This would be the _______________ house of the legislature, similar to today’s
__________________ of ___________________________.
9. Only the lower house could ___________________ (be the first to introduce) bills that
pertained to money.
10. To be ______________________ for the assembly, one had to be a ______________,
white man who owned at least five _________________ acres of land.
11. To vote for the representatives to the assembly, a person had to be a free
_________________ man who owned no less than ______________ acres of land.
12. On October 29, 1754, the first royal governor, appointed by King ________________ II,
arrived from England.
13. A former _____________ captain, John ____________________ got a hearty welcome
in _____________________, with bells ringing and guns saluting him.
14. The year that Governor Reynolds came to Georgia was also the year that the
_____________________ known in the colonies as the _________________ and
___________________ War began in the Ohio River Valley, far north of Georgia.
15. It started as a struggle between Great Britain and ________________ for the land west
of the _____________________ Mountains.
16. The French ____________________ the land and had Indian ________________.
17. They [French] had built a string of ______________, one of which, Fort
_______________, was located where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers flow
together to form the great ________________ River. This is now the site of
_____________________, Pennsylvania.
18. As ________________________ population had grown, that colony wanted to
________________ over the mountains into the same area.
19. The Virginia governor sent a young Virginian named George
______________________ into the area to __________________ it and build a fort.
He was met with ___________________ from the French.
20. In the battle the French ___________________ many of his [Washington} men, and
Washington returned to the governor with a ____________________ from the French
that the _______________________ was theirs.
21. In 1755, the _____________________ sent a ___________________ of British and
American soldiers to ___________________ that claim.
22. The next year, the war between Great Britain and their colonists __________________
out of North ______________________ and into _____________________, where it
was known as the "________________ ___________ War."
23. ____________________ had to plan for its defense in case the war came to its borders.
24. One of the first ____________ passed by the new assembly in January 1755 was the
__________________ Act.
25. All males ages _______ to _________ had to enroll in the ________________. If the
colony went to war, Georgia would be protected by its ___________________-
26. The governor tried to run the colony like the __________________. He did not
_____________ well with the leading citizens and tried to exercise
___________________ as he did when he was an officer in the navy.
27. Increasingly, he relied on his closest aide and advisor William ________________ and
did not ________________ with the _________________.
28. By March 1756, the council asked the Board of _________________, the British
governing group that __________________ the colonies, to ________________ the
29. In February 1757, the newly appointed Henry _______________ arrived to a cheering
crowd in Savannah.
30. A capable Ellis set about to work with Georgians to ________________ the colony,
and he soon became very ____________________ with all Georgia groups.
31. With the advice of ____________________ DeBrahm, Ellis ordered that forts be built,
including a __________________ around Savannah.
32. Ellis worried about the ___________________ of the Indians on Georgia's frontiers.
. In late 1757, after the Savannah _________________________ were completed, he
[Ellis] invited some of the _______________, or headmen, of the Indians to Savannah.
33. The Indians made a(n) _________________________ with the Georgians during this
meeting that renewed their __________________ of friendship.
34. In March 1758, Georgia was divided into eight __________________, which were both
government and ___________________ districts. After that, ____________________
to the assembly were elected from their parishes.
35. Each parish also had a _________________, which served as a local governing board.
36. The vestry could levy _______________, provide ______________ for the poor,
maintain roads, and oversee churches.
37. The Church of ___________________ (the Anglican Church) became the official or
"_____________________" church in the colony, although other religions were still
allowed to _________________.
38. Despite his popularity, Henry Ellis only stayed in Georgia _____________ years. He
asked the Board of Trade to relieve him so he could come home for _______________
39. Before he [Ellis} left in 1760, Ellis welcomed the ______________, and final, royal
governor to the colony, forty-four-year old James _________________.
40. Although he [Wright] had been __________________ in England, he had spent much
of his _______________ life in ______________ ___________________, so he
understood the ____________________ and was used to the southern
41. He [Wright] worked hard to make sure that Georgia grew in ____________________
and __________________.
42. Fortunately, for Wright and for Georgia, the French and Indian War ended with a
____________________ victory.
43. The Treaty of ________________, signed in 1763, ___________________ the young
Georgia colony.
44. A _________________ is a formal agreement between two or more nations.
45. _________________ received the land west of the ______________________ River.
So Georgia's __________________ now extended to the Mississippi River, not the
Pacific Ocean.
46. With the war over, Governor Wright wanted to ensure good relations with the
47. In 1763, he [Wright] arranged a large ____________________ in Augusta, attended by
the Royal Indian Superintendent John ___________________; the
______________________ of four southern colonies; and the Creek and
____________________ Indians.
48. The Indians agreed to ________________ (to surrender) to the Georgia colony all the
land between the ___________________ and the Savannah rivers north to Little River,
which is now the dividing line between Columbia and Lincoln counties.
49. The treaty opened up well over three _________________ acres for
__________________ and led to the creation of four new parishes.
50. During the _______________ period, Mary Musgrove had been an invaluable aid to the
Young Georgia colony, serving as an ____________________ and a
___________________. (page 225)
51. Mary believed that she had never been adequately ____________________ for her
services to the British. (page 225)
52. In 1749, Mary and her husband went to _________________ to present her case to the
British government. (page 225)
53. When Henry Ellis became the royal governor, the __________________ had still not
been resolved. (page 225)
54. Ellis proposed a settlement: Mary would receive ________ ___________________
Island (where she lived) and a sum of money from the proceeds of the sale of Ossabaw
and Sapelo Islands.
Name: ______________________________ Class: ________________ Date: _______________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 10: Georgia in the Royal Period
Section 2
Economic Development in Royal Georgia
Use the information from pages 226 - 228 to complete the
1. The __________________ period was a time of growth and increasing
_______________________ for the colony, especially during the Wright years.
2. Georgia's economic base remained ________________________, and farmers
introduced new ______________ to the colony.
3. All Georgian farmers, large or small, grew crops, mainly _________________, beans,
peas, potatoes, and __________________ vegetables. These were
_______________________ crops, meaning they ___________ farmers and their
4. ______________, which they learned to cultivate from the ___________________,
became the ______________ food of most diets. It could be ground into
______________ for bread.
5. If a farmer had a __________________ of a crop (more than needed), the farmer would
try to ____________ it, usually in the nearby town or community.
6. The low-lying coastal areas were good for growing _______________ because that
crop requires fields that can be ___________________ with water at certain periods.
7. By the 1750s, Georgia planters were also growing the ____________________ plant,
from which they produced the blue _____________ that buyers in England wanted.
8. Georgians continued to make money from their native ________________ trees.
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9. The trees were valuable not only for their _________________, but also for their gooey
________________ from which tar, ________________, and
______________________ were manufactured for use in the royal
10. Tar and pitch plugged gaps in the __________________ ships, and turpentine was
used for ______________________. These products were known as
_______________ stores.
11. In the ___________________________, the fur and ____________ trade with the
Indians continued, with Augusta as it center.
12. The farmers [in the backcountry] had begun to grow ___________________, which was
the main ______________ _______________ (a crop grown to be sold for income) of
Virginia and North Carolina.
13. The key to doing well in Georgia was getting _______________.
14. In the royal period, settlers could acquire land in three ways: (1) they could
__________ it; (2) they could ________________ it as a gift or an inheritance: and, (3)
they could receive it as a ______________ (gift) from the colonial government.
15. A head of ______________________ could ask for one hundred acres for himself or
herself, and ______________ additional acres for each __________________ of the
household. This method of granting land was called the _____________________
16. While most land grants went to ________________, many went to women, mainly
those who had never married (called ________________________) or those whose
husbands had died (called __________________).
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17. Most Georgians were farmers or _____________________, but Georgia's towns and
villages supported other _____________________.
18. _______________________ practiced medicine and ____________________,
although some early "________________________" like bleeding could result in
weakening the patient.
19. ____________________, who had not been allowed to __________________ in the
colony during the trustee period, came to Georgia during the royal period.
20. A few men were ____________________, who made money by __________________
children for a _________________.
Name: ______________________________ Class: ________________ Date: _______________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 10: Georgia in the Royal Period
Section 3
Population Growth in Royal Georgia
Use the information from pages 230 - 233 to complete the
1. The economic opportunities and stable ____________________ of the royal period
resulted in a growing _______________________.
2. By the 1760s and the 1770s, __________________ were moving into ______________
from many places.
3. In 1752, a group of __________________ came from Dorchester, South Carolina, and
settled below Savannah in St. John's Parish.
4. The Puritans were very good for the Georgia _________________. Many became
successful __________________ and made Sunbury into a thriving _____________.
5. Another group of setters was the ____________________, who obtained a large grant
from Governor _________________ in St. Paul's Parish on the _________________
(the edge of the settled area).
6. The Quakers were a _____________________ religious group who believed that all
persons had a _______________ of God, or "________________ _______________,"
within them.
7. This led them to believe in the ___________________ of all peoples and to believe that
_____________________ against fellow humans was wrong.
8. Another new group came as a result of the efforts of Indian trader George
__________________ and his partners John _____________ and Lachlan McGillivray.
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9. To populate the community (township of Queensborough), the traders recruited the
___________-_______________ (Scots who had left Scotland and settled in Ireland).
10. Attracted by the opportunity for land, these new ___________________ (those who
move into a country to live) arrived from ________________, Ireland, in 1768.
11. Settlers also moved to Georgia from the _______________________ of the Carolinas
and Virginia, attracted by the chance to _____________ land.
12. These farmers, often ___________________ and uneducated, were sometimes called
____________________ by the upper class.
13. Both _______________ and __________________ were crops that required much
14. ______________________ servants from Europe had been part of trustee Georgia, but
they became less desirable in the royal period.
15. Planters who grew rice and indigo relied increasingly on the labor of _______________
people, who remained a permanent work force.
16. Although some of the older colonies had tried to _______________ Indians, slaves in
royal Georgia were of ___________________ heritage.
17. Rice cultivation was _________________ work, in water-flooded fields, "___________
___________ deep."
18. Most rice plantation slaves worked under the "____________ system" brought to
Georgia from South Carolina. In this method of working, the individual slave was
assigned a certain amount of ______________ (tasks) to complete each day.
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19. Plantations were businesses supposed to make a ________________ (the amount left
after all costs, or expenses, are paid). Most planters did not want to _______________
more than necessary _________________ care of their slaves.
20. Slaves on most plantations were not required to work on __________________.
21. In addition to working in the fields on plantations, some slaves learned special
_________________ such as carpentry, ______________________, or, for women,
22. In 1755, Georgia passed a _________________ code, a series of _______________
governing what slaves and masters could and could not do.
23. The new laws put some __________________________ on slave owners, including
______________________ some punishments considered too ______________.
24. Slave owners could not force slaves to work more than __________________ hours a
day or on the __________________ (Sunday).
25. Slaves were not permitted to ________________ away from their plantations without
_____________________ permission from their owners.
26. They could not beat _______________ or blow horns in the slave _________________
for fear they might be sending ____________________
27. Slave __________________ were established to try to ________________ these
28. Sometimes enslaved people _____________________ their situation.
__________________ away was a frequent form of resistance.
Name: ______________________________ Class: ________________ Date: _______________
Georgia Studies for Georgia Students
Chapter 10: Georgia in the Royal Period
Section 4
Society and Culture in Royal Georgia
Use the information from pages 234 - 237 to complete the
1. As Georgia increased in both population and stability under the royal government,
___________________ religion also grew.
2. ____________________ of the Anglican Church were ordained in _________________
and then sent to the colony.
3. Some ministers were supported by a charitable organization called the Society for the
______________________ of the _________________ in Foreign Parts (S.P.G.),
whose ___________________ was to encourage the Anglican religion in all parts of the
British Empire.
4. The most successful minister sent to Savannah during the royal period was
Bartholomew _______________________, who served from 1745 until his death in
5. Although Georgia was _________________ an Anglican colony, other religious groups
practiced their ___________________ without much interference.
6. Royal Georgia still had a large ____________________ population, not only in
Ebenezer but also in the communities of Bethany, Goshen, and Zion.
7. The Puritan ___________________________ built two churches, in what is called
_______________________ style, in Midway and Sunbury. They believed that
___________________ buildings should be simple with very plain lines and no
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8. The __________________________ originally were centered in Darien, part of St.
Andrews Parish. Presbyterian minister John (Joachim) _________________ preached
at the church called the _____________________ Meetinghouse in Savannah.
9. The __________________ community grew slightly.
10. By the 1770s, the __________________ movement was gaining converts in the
backcountry. This ______________________ (an organized religious group) grew
quickly in the backcountry during the next few years.
11. While some slave _________________ kept their slaves _______________ from
churches, many churches served _______________ black and whites.
12. The opportunities for getting an ______________________ in colonial Georgia
remained _________________, but they did improve during the royal period.
13. _________________________ sometimes advertised that they would teach children for
a ______________.
14. The lack of an ______________________ system of formal education does not mean
that all _____________________ were uneducated. Many of the ministers, as well as
merchants and planters, were ________________ men.
15. Merchants and planters sometimes sent their ________________ to other colonies or
to ____________________ for an education. There, they studied such regular subjects
as ____________________, math, and foreign ____________________ including
Latin, Greek, and sometimes French.
16. Georgians occasionally abandoned work for special _______________ in the colony.
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17. Those special events included _______________________ held each year in honor of
the king's _____________________ and the days honoring England's and Scotland's
patron _________________, St. George and St. Andrew.
18. ___________________ of government officials, ______________ raisings, cannons
and ____________ firing, and _________________ all marked these gatherings.
Weddings and _________________ were also times for coming together.
19. As the coastal area became more settled, ________________ and organizations began
to emerge in the more urban areas.
20. One of the earliest groups - the _______________ Society - had begun in 1750 during
the trustee period. The society did __________________ deeds, such as paying for the
______________________ of several children each year.
21. The _________________________, founded early in the trustee period, continued
during the royal period and had many prominent Georgians as members. They were a
_______________ society whose activities were not known to the general