Request for Change of Major, Minor, or Certificate
Name ____
__________________________ Student ID _____________________________
Phone ____________________ Current Major(s) _____________________ Current Minor(s) ____________________
Catalog year change requests must be submitted on a Petition for Exception form. Please see the policy on Catalog Rights
(SP 08-07) for more information.
Change Major(s) Add 2
Major Change Minor(s) Add Minor(s) Add Certificates
Add Emphasis/Option
Drop Emphasis/Option Change Emphasis/Option
Add Concentration** Change Concentration** Drop Major(s)^ Drop Minors(s) Drop Certificate
** Required: For Liber
al Studies-Teaching & Learning or Mathematics major only.
^ Please note: students must have a declared major once they have earned 60 semester units before they may register for next
term. (SP 02-06)
Major _
Emphasis/Option* ________________________________________________ Catalog Year ______________________
** If your program requires an emphasis or option, you will need to declare this information to ensure the accuracy of your records and
progress toward timely graduation.
centration (Liberal Studies-Teaching & Learning and Mathematics only) ___________________________________________
If moving to Nursing, program approval required (Nursing Chair Signature) _______________________________________
Minor ___________________________________________________________ Catalog Year ____________________
Certificate ________________________________________________________Catalog Year ____________________
Please sign and return to Enrollment Services, Sage Hall. You may also turn in this form via mail or e-mail to
registrar@csuci.edu. You wi
ll receive a notification to your student e-mail address once your request has been processed.
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) students: The 60 unit graduation pathway will not be possible if you change majors
or add a sec
ond major, minor, or option.
Student Signature _____________
_____________________________________ Date __________________________
Administrative Use Only – Registrar's Office
Processed by: ______________ PS Update: _______________ Student Notification: ______________
(Staff Initials) (Date) (Date)
Certifying Official Notified (if student receiving VA benefits): ______________
Revised 2/18/2020
Enrollment Management
Registrar's Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone:
(805) 437-8500
Change Catalog Year