UW Space Assignment and Management
Change of Classroom
Change of Classroom Change of Classroom
Change of Classroom Classification Form
Classification FormClassification Form
Classification Form
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V. Reasons for Request:
V. Reasons for Request:V. Reasons for Request:
V. Reasons for Request: Attach a detailed narrative that follows the below format:
1. Description: Please provide a succinct description of your change request, including what is being
requested and why. Indicate whether this is being driven by a new program, a research grant,
inadequate space to provide current program, and/or other reasons.
2. Proximity: Indicate other departments, organizations, programs, or functions which should be in
proximity to the requested space and why.
3. Location: Indicate the location of the classes to be displaced by change in classroom allocation.
4. Options explored: Provide assurance that all avenues to solve this space requirement within existing
space have been explored. For example, has the department/college considered maximizing under-
utilized space to solve this need? Has the department/college re-evaluated the space assigned to
lower priority initiatives? What possibilities for department shared classrooms have been explored?
5. Timing: Describe any programmatic issues affecting the timing of your change in classroom
allocation. Please allow six months for processing your request.
6. Parking/Transportation: Describe any special parking and transportation access needs.
7. Other: Any other information that will support or better define this classroom change request.
Submitted/Endorsed by:
ubmitted/Endorsed by:ubmitted/Endorsed by:
ubmitted/Endorsed by:
Signature of Dept/Unit Head (date)
Signature of Dean/Director (date)
Signature of Vice President (date)
Signature of College Facilities (date)
Coordinator (if applicable)
Name of Department/Unit Contact Person:
Unsigned request will not be considered.
Please submit this request to the Department of Facilities Planning, Manager of Space Allocation, Merica
Hall, Room 208. Questions: call 766-2648.
Please note: After approval, it will be the responsibility of the requesting party to obtain cost
estimates from Physical plant for conducting any work or moving expenses. It will be the
responsibility of the requesting party to provide the funding for such expenses.
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