Change of Address
Please note: You can update your e-mail and home addresses on your CI Records account or submit this change
form. If you are an employee of the University, you must additionally visit Human Resources to change your
information on your employment record.
Name: ________________________________________________ Student ID: ____________________
Please check the appropriate boxe(s) for the update (s) you wish to make:
Mailing Address only* Mailing and Permanent Address
*All official correspondence is sent to the mailing address on file in CI Records.
Old Address New Address
Street: _______________________________ Street: _______________________________
City: _______________________________ City: _______________________________
State: ____________ Zip: _______________ State: ___________ Zip: ________________
Personal E-mail Address
Old E-mail: ________________________________ New E-mail: ________________________________
If you are graduating soon, verify your personal e-mail and mailing address is correct in CI Records. Your
diploma and other important information will be sent to the mailing address the University has on file for you.
Please complete and submit this form to the Enrollment Center, Sage Hall.You may also turn in this
form via mail or e-mail to registrar@csuci.edu.
Note: Handwritten signature is required on this form. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.
Student’s Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________________
Administrative Use Only – Registrar's Office
Processed by: _______________________ PS Update: ________________________ Student Notification: _______________________
Revised 12/18/2019
Enrollment Management
Registrar's Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 437-8500