Version ECAB 2019
Unit: Number: Suffix:
Building name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:
Please provide the full postal address of the application site.
3. Site Address Details
Was the use of the site on 3 July 2012 (or the last use before that date) solely for an agricultural use as part of an established
agricultural unit?
Is any part of the land, site or building:
- in a safety hazard area;
- in a military explosives storage area;
- a scheduled monument (or the site contains one);
- a listed building (or within the curtilage of a listed building).
If you have answered yes above, the proposal will exceed the limits set by legislation. In this circumstance, you should not continue with
this application and seek advice from the Local Planning Authority on the best course of action.
4. Eligibility
Will the total combined floor space in the building(s) (previously and in this proposal) changed to a flexible use under this permitted
development right:
If not, and the site was only brought into use after 3 July 2012, what date
was it brought into use solely for an agricultural use as part of an established
agricultural unit
Has the use, as detailed above, been continuous since the date stated; and will that use continue until the proposed development
To be eligible for this permitted development right, the site must have been used as detailed above:
- on 23 July 2012 (or the last use before that date); or
- if brought into use after 23 July 2012, for a period of at least 10 years prior to development commencing.
If this will not be the case, you should not continue with this application and seek advice from the Local Planning Authority on the best
course of action.
Not exceed 150 square metres
Exceed 150 but not exceed 500 square metres
Exceed 500 square metres
If the total combined floor space (as detailed above) will:
- Not exceed 150 square metres
Your proposals will be below the threshold for the prior approval process. Therefore, you should not continue with this application.
However, all the other eligibility criteria will still apply if you want to carry out the proposals under permitted development rights.
Additionally, before any change of use on the site, you must provide the following information to the Local Planning Authority:
- The date the site will begin to be used for any of the flexible uses;
- The nature of the use or uses; and
- A plan indicating the site and which buildings have changed use.
Please contact the Local Planning Authority at the relevant time to determine the best way to supply these details.
- Exceed 500 square metres
Your proposals will not be eligible for permitted development based on the limits set by legislation. In this circumstance, you should not
continue with this application and seek advice from the Local Planning Authority on the best course of action.
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