Enrollment Management
Registrar's Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 437-8500
Change of Campus Program
For undergraduate program changes between the Channel Islands main campus
and Extended University
Applicant's Signature Date
Student ID:
Phone Number:
Catalog Year:
Administrative Use Only- Registrar's Office
Processed: _______________ Student Notified: ________ Financial Aid Notified: _________ Student Business Services Notified: __________
(Initial/Date) (Date) (Date) (Date)
Revised 04/4/2019
By signing this form, I acknowledge this change in campus program may affect tuition and fees.
I will be financially
responsible for any tuition or fees attached to this academic adjustment.
Catalog Year:
Use of this form indicates a change between a program at the CSU Channel Islands main campus and a program offered through CSU
Channel Islands' Extended University. Changes must be approved by the program chair of the new major. Submit form in person,
mail, or e-mail to the Registrar's Office after obtaining approval signatures.
Extended University programs are funded entirely by student fees. Certain tuition benefits that students may use in regular University
programs, such as the Cal Vet Fee Waiver, cannot be used for Extended University programs, including satellite campuses. Contact the
following for more information and to discuss any impact to your financial standing with the University:
Current Major:
Option/ Emphasis:
New Major:
Effective Term:
Option/ Emphasis:
Program Chair Signature:
Department Topic/Issue Contact information
Extended University Advising Specific program requirements/Tuition payment for Self-support
(805) 437-2748
Financial Aid Financial Aid Award/Grants/Scholarships
(805) 437-8530
Registrar's Office Graduation completion/Cal Vet Fee Waiver questions
(805) 437-8500
Student Business Services Tuition Payment for State-side
(805) 437-8810