First Name (or Entity Name)
Middle Name Last Name Suffix (if any)
Current Address
City State County ZIP
Email Phone Number
Year Make Body Style Current TX License Plate
Vehicle Identification Number Title Document
City State ZIP
Renewal Recipient First Name (or Entity Name) Middle Name Last Name Suffix (if any)
City State ZIP
Change of Address for
Texas Motor Vehicle
To change the owner address and update your Texas title record, complete the Owner Information Section of this form, and mail to:
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
P.O. Box 26417
Austin, TX 78755-0417
Note: If a P.O. Box is listed as the owner address, the physical location of the vehicle must be listed in the Vehicle Location section.
To add or change the address where your vehicle registration renewal notice is mailed, complete the Registration Renewal Mailing
Address section, and mail to the address listed above, or complete this address change online at www.TxDMV.gov.
Owner Information
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Location
Registration Renewal Mailing Address (if different than Owner Information)
Certification - State law makes falsifying information a third degree felony.
I certify the information listed above is true and correct.
Form VTR-146 Rev. 12/2017 Form available online at www.TxDMV.gov Page 1 of 1