After the form is completed and signed, return it to the Admissions and Records Service Windows,
Joyal Administration Building, North Lobby.
Campus E-mail:Student ID # : Phone #:
First MI
For Office Use Only
Admissions and Records (559) 278-2261
Add 1st Minor
NOTE: Adding or changing a minor does not require a signature, unless specified by the department.
Name of Minor
Name of Minor
Name of Minor
Add 2nd Minor
Delete Minor
(maximum two minors)
BA or BS
(Circle One)
2nd MAJOR ONLY - Add or Delete
Name of Major
Add 2nd Major
BA or BS
(Circle One)
Indicate option if applicable:
MAJOR - Change
Name of Major
Name of Major
Old Major
New Major
Delete 2nd Major
Name of Major
BA or BS
(Circle One)
BA or BS
(Circle One)
Faculty advisor/departmental designee has advised student regarding major requirements.
Faculty advisor/departmental designee has reviewed policy on the reverse side and acknowledges
that student meets requirements for major change/adding second major.
Faculty Advisor/Dept. Designee Date
Major Code: Entered By: Date:
Declaring a major or adding a second major must be approved by the new Department.
(maximum two majors)
However, if you have applied for graduation, turn this form in to the Evaluations Office, Joyal Room 115.
Undergraduate Policies and Procedures
Majors and Minors
Maximum Number of Majors and Minors
A student may earn a maximum of two majors and two minors so long as all work can be completed within
144 earned units. If a degree requires more than 120 units, students must be able to complete the second
major and any additional minors within 24 units beyond the number of units required for the larger unit
degree. A student will be allowed 54 high school Advanced Placement (AP) and other similar units (IB and
CLEP) in addition to the maximum of 144 earned units.
Declaring a Major
Students who start as freshmen must declare a major approved by the department by the end of the
semester in which they complete a total of 60 earned units (includes AP and other similar units). Transfer
students must declare a major approved by the department prior to registering for their second term.
Students who have not declared a major by the relevant deadline will have a registration hold placed and will
not be able to register for courses until they declare a major.
Adding a Second Major
Students who wish to declare a second major must submit a plan approved by the department offering the
second major which demonstrates that the new major can be completed within 144 units. Students may not
add a second major after completing the requirement for their first major unless students have not exceeded
120 earned units at the time of declaration.
Changing Major
Student requests to change a major must be approved by the department of the new major/option indicating
that the student has been advised. If the student has 90 or more earned units, the request must be
accompanied by a plan demonstrating that the new major can be completed within 144 units.
Adding a Minor
Students can add a minor only if they can complete both their major and the minor within 144 earned units.
Students may declare a minor by completing the appropriate form and receiving advising and approval, if
required, by the Department. If the student has 90 or more earned units, the request must be approved by
the Department offering the minor indicating the student has been advised.
Changing a Minor
Students may drop their current minor at any time. They may add a new minor as long as they satisfy the
policies and procedures for adding a new minor.