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Change/Add/Delet e- Major
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student ID #: __________________________ Date: ___________________________
To change your major complete section 1. To add a second major complete Section 2. If you have a double
major and want to drop one of your majors, complete Section 3. Once you have completed this form, submit
it to the appropriate Academic Department Assistant or Chair for processing.
1. Change- Major (current major w ill be deleted and new major added)
Current Major: _____________________________________________________
New Major: _________________________________________________________
• If new major is General Studies, Liberal Arts or Interdisciplinary Studies, select one degree:
B.A. B.S. A.A.
• If new major is a concentration or track, enter: _________________________________________
2. Add a- Second Major (current major will remain- and second major will be added)
Second Major: _________________________________________________________
• If second major is a different degree type from the first, please select one degree:
B.A. B.S.
• If second major has a concentration or track, please enter: ________________________________
Is new or second major part of a combined program with a graduate program at SHU? If so, enter planned
graduate program: _______________________________________________________________________
3. Delete- Major (for double- majors – will delete major indicated)
Major to Delete: __________________________________________________________________