Chandler Municipal Court
*** Record Research Request Form ***
Researches take approximately 5-7 business days to complete. A.R.S. §22-404B provides that a minimum clerk fee
of $17.00 may be charged for research in locating a document and provides a $0.50 per page copy fee, this
excludes materials the Court deems confidential under Supreme Court Rule 123. The $17.00 research fee must be
paid when this form is filed.
Person Completing Form:
how you wish to receive your document(s): ____ Mail to above address
____ Call for pick up: PH#_______________________
**If unable to leave a message or make contact after 3 attempts, document will be sent via US Mail
***** ******************************************************************************************************
I am requesting information of the following person:
____________________________________________ Date of Birth:
Defendant’s Name (include middle name if known)
____ I will need a status letter only, NO COPIES. $17.00 Research fee must be paid at the time of the
filing of this form. Status letter will have the Court’s seal and provides minimum case information {case number(s),
violation code(s), violation description(s), final disposition, case open or closed}. Please
only one of the following:
____ I will need certified copies. $17.00 Research fee must be paid at the time of the filing of this form. A
copy fee of $0.50 per page will be charged and must be paid prior to documents being released. You will be called
with a total amount due for copies made. Copies of police reports must be obtained from the police department.
Amount still owed: $ _______________
___ I will use this information for commercial purposes. If this is marked, you must provide the
Court with a verified or acknowledged statement setting forth the commercial purpose and specific use intended
for the records.
Revised 04/2020
_____ I do not wish to exceed the total cost of $__________ for these copies.
______ Only open cases { only one: ___ Criminal OR ___ Civil OR ___ Both}
______ All files, open & closed { only one: ___ Criminal OR ___ Civil OR ___ Both}
______ Any exhibits entered into evidence if able
!! COURT USE ONLY !! Receipt# _____________ Amount Paid $_______________ Record ID #:__________
MG- 279
Research clerk’s initials ________
Date request completed _________________
______ All files, Criminal & Civil, case information
______ Only criminal case information
I know the case number(s) of the file(s) I want copies of:
Only case number(s) I need the status letter for: