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Certification of Thesis for Examination
Division of Research and Innovation
Please note that the generic term “thesis” is used to describe the submission for the degrees named on this form.
Name of Student
Name of Principal Supervisor
E-mail address (for notification of
examination outcome)
The student's University e-mail address will be used unless a preferred e-mail address is
provided below.
Please indicate the relevant stream for Master of Philosophy/Master of Clinical Science students:
100% research OR Mixed research and (15 units) coursework
To be Completed by the Principal Supervisor on behalf of the Supervisory Panel
I have seen and read the final draft of the above candidate’s thesis and, in accordance with the requirement of the Research Student
Handbook “Appendix “Responsibilities”, certify that:
I am satisfied that this thesis, prima facie, is worthy of examination both in terms of its content and its technical presentation
relative to the standards specified in the academic program rules for the degree AND that all co and external supervisors on the
candidate’s panel have viewed the final thesis and have approved this submission.
I am not satisfied with the presentation of this thesis for examination in its current form. I attach a statement outlining my
I am satisfied that the thesis is within the maximum word-length allowed for in the program in which the student is enrolled.
Please note that word-length restrictions apply to all candidates who meet any of the following criteria:
The candidate commenced during or after 2008;
The candidate upgraded/transferred from one postgraduate research program to another postgraduate research program
during or after 2008;
If the program is a PhD or Master, please tick one of the following format boxes:
Conventional Publication format Combination conventional/ publication format
Major work ( Literary Work Music Composition Music Performance Exhibition Film) and Exegesis
If the program is a professional doctorate, the format of the thesis to be submitted is: (tick one of the following boxes)
DEd Portfolio DNurs Portfolio DClin Dent Portfolio of Publications
DClin Dent Conventional
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A variation to the available standard thesis formats, detailed in the Specifications for Thesis, has been approved by the Dean of
Graduate Studies
An electronic PDF copy of the thesis is provided for examination.
Extra content (e.g. digital material, software, music files) other than the PDF is provided.
It is acceptable for a student to engage other people (paid or otherwise) in the candidate’s research or in the editing of the thesis, as
long as this assistance is appropriately acknowledged in the thesis. Refer to Research Student Handbook “Presentation of the Thesis
and Editing Assistance”.
I am satisfied that the above candidate has abided by the University’s policies with regard to assistance and editing and has
included the appropriate acknowledgement(s) in the thesis.
I am not satisfied that the above candidate has abided by the University’s policies with regard to assistance and editing and has
included the appropriate acknowledgement(s) in the thesis. I attach a statement outlining my reasons.
The candidate has deposited, with me, all the original data or primary research materials relevant to this thesis, as is required
under The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Note that if this box is not ticked, the thesis will not be sent
for examination.
Nomination of Examiners
The 'Nomination of Examiners' form has been completed and returned to the Ad
elaide Graduate Centre:
Yes No
If No, please advise of a date by which the completed form will be returned: ____________________________________
This Section Must be Completed if the Program Contains a Coursework Component
Example - A Master of Philosophy by mixed research and coursework, or a combined PhD/Master of Psychology
In research programs with a cou`rsework component, the coursework must be satisfactorily completed before the thesis can
be submitted for examination.
The above candidate has satisfactorily completed the required coursework
Certification by School
To be Completed by the Principal Supervisor
Principal Superv
isor’s name
Sign here
For students who are subject to sanctions
The research presented in the submitted thesis has not deviated from the government Online Sanctions Administration System
(OSAS) / Dean of Graduate Studies (DoGS) approved project.
To be Completed by the Head of School or Discipline/Postgraduate Coordinator
I endorse the Principal supervisor’s recommendation
I do not endorse the Principal supervisor’s recommendation and I attach a statement outlining my reasons.
Head of School OR Discipline/Postgraduate Coordinator's
Sign here
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In accordance with the Research Student Handbook “Certification of Thesis for Examination” and
“Appendix 2 Responsibilities of the Supervisors”, supervisors are required to comment on the content and drafts of the thesis and, at the
time of submission, recommend that the thesis, prima facie, is worthy of examination both in terms of its content and its presentation
relative to the Academic Program Rules for the degree.
In compliance with this requirement, supervisors are required to certify in writing that they have read their student’s completed thesis
and are satisfied with the content and technical presentation and that the thesis, therefore, is worthy of examination. Technical
presentation may include appropriate footnoting, referencing, arrangement of chapters, presentation of charts and figures, appropriate
notation, absence of obvious grammatical and typographical errors, etc. The Research Education and Development Committee takes the
view that the thesis belongs to the student who ultimately has responsibility for the intellectual content. Note, however, that submission
of a thesis which is poorly presented or not of the standard required for the degree will not be permitted. Where a supervisor deems this
to be the case, they must recommend that the thesis is not acceptable for examination in its current form and prepare a statement outlining
the reasons why this is the case. See also Dispute Resolution below.
In accordance with Research Student Handbook “Presentation of the Thesis and Editing Assistance”, assistance in editing the thesis
(paid or otherwise) should comply with the policy developed by the Australian Graduate Research Council collaboratively with the
Council of Australian Societies of Editors regarding the editing of research theses by professional editors and this editorial assistance
must be acknowledged in the thesis. The editorial policy is available at:
The attached certification must be submitted when a student submits their thesis. The certification must be completed and signed by the
Head of School or Discipline /Postgraduate Coordinator and the Principal supervisor. The Principal supervisor, in consultation with the
other supervisors, shall sign the certification on behalf of all the supervisors.
Certification of Thesis for Examination after the student has lapsed in Candidature
A student who has lapsed in candidature, for not more than twelve months, may subsequently submit the completed thesis for
examination provided that the thesis has not departed from the field of study being pursued before the candidature expired and provided
that the School or Discipline concerned is satisfied that the thesis is, prima facie, worthy of examination both in terms of its content and
its technical presentation.
By certifying/endorsing that the thesis is worthy of examination the Principal Supervisor and School/Discipline, in the case of a lapsed
candidature, are also certifying/endorsing that the completed thesis has not departed from the field of study which was being pursued
prior to the candidature lapse date.
The approval of the Research Education and Development Committee (REDC) is required for the resumption of a candidature under
any other conditions.
Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute; for example when a student does not agree with the supervisor’s adverse recommendation about the readiness
of the thesis for examination, it is expected that the dispute will be dealt with at the local level by the Head of School/Discipline or
Postgraduate Coordinator in the first instance. If the dispute cannot be resolved at the local level, the matter shall be referred to the Dean
of Graduate Studies, either by the Discipline or the student concerned. All relevant documents must be forwarded to the Dean at the
same time. The Dean will deal with the matter in consultation with the Convener of the appropriate Faculty Higher Degrees Committee
and the Head of School or Discipline/Postgraduate Coordinator concerned, if required.
If the Dean’s decision overrides that of the School or Discipline, the Dean will determine whether or not examiners should be informed
of the dispute and what information should be disclosed to examiners. At all times, the independence of examiners must be preserved.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the certification is appropriately completed, signed and submitted, together their
thesis, to the Adelaide Graduate Centre.
Further Information
Ph: (08) 8313 5882