Employee Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
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Form WH-385-V, Revised June 2020
(2) Select your relationship to the veteran. You are the veteran’s:
Spouse P
arent Child Next of Kin
Spouse means a husband or wife as defined or recognized in the state where the individual was married, including a common law
marriage or same-sex marriage. The terms “child” and “parent” include in loco parentis in which a person assumes the obligations of a
parent to a child. An employee may take FMLA leave to care for a covered servicemember who assumed the obligations of a parent to
the employee when the employee was a child. An employee may also take FMLA leave to care for a covered servicemember for whom
the employee has assumed the obligations of a parent. No biological or legal relationship is necessary. “Next of kin” is the veteran’s
nearest blood relative, other than the spouse, parent, son, or daughter, in the following order of priority: (1) a blood relative as designated
in writing by the veteran for purposes of FMLA leave, (2) blood relatives granted legal custody of the veteran, (3) brothers and sisters,
(4) grandparents, (5) aunts and uncles, and (6) first cousins.
(3) The veteran was ( honorably / dishonorably) discharged or released from the Armed Forces, including the National
Guard or Reserves. List the date of the veteran’s discharge: _______________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy)
Please provide the veteran’s military branch, rank and unit at the time of discharge: ______________________________
(5) The veteran ( is / is not) receiving medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for an injury or illness.
(6) Br
iefly describe the care you will provide to the veteran: (Check all that apply)
Assistance with basic medical, hygienic, nutritional, or safety needs Transportation
Psychological Comfort Physical Care Other: __________________________
7) Give your best estimate of the amount of FMLA leave needed to provide the care described: _______________________
(8) If a reduced work schedule is necessary to provide the care described, give your best estimate of the reduced work
schedule you are able to work. From ____________________
(mm/dd/yyyy) to ____________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) I am
able to work: ______________________________
(hours per day) _________________________________ (days per week).
Please provide your contact information, complete all Parts of this Section fully and completely, and sign the form below.
The employee named in Section I has requested leave under the military caregiver leave provision of the FMLA to care for
a family member who is a veteran.
Note: For purposes of FMLA military caregiver leave, a serious injury or illness means an injury or illness incurred by the
servicemember in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces (or that existed before the beginning of the
servicemember’s active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces) and
manifested itself before or after the servicemember became a veteran, and is: a continuation of a serious injury or illness
that was incurred or aggravated when the covered veteran was a member of the Armed Forces and rendered the
servicemember unable to perform the duties of the servicemember’s office, grade, rank, or rating; or a physical or mental
condition for which the covered veteran has received a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Service Related Disability
Rating (VASRD) of 50 percent or greater, and such VASRD rating is based, in whole or in part, on the condition
precipitating the need for military caregiver leave; or a physical or mental condition that substantially impairs the covered
veteran’s ability to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of a disability or disabilities related to
military service, or would do so absent treatment; or an injury, including a psychological injury, on the basis of which the
covered veteran has been enrolled in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family