SECTION A. This section must be completed by student as appropriate ( Please print or type) :
1. Name: 2. Date of birth:(First) (Middle)(Family in CAPS)
3. Student admission number: 4. Date first granted F-1 or M-1 status:
5. Level of education being sought: 6. Student's major field of study:
7. Describe the proposed employment for practical training:
Number of hours per week:Beginning date :
Ending date:
8. List all periods of previously authorized employment for practical training:
A. Curricular or work/study: B. Post completion of studies
Signature of student: Date:
9. I hereby certify that:
The student named above:
Is taking a full course of study at this school, and the expected date of completion is:
Is taking less than a full course of study at this school because:
Completed the course of study at this school on (date):
Did not complete the course of study. Terminated attendance on (date):
Check one:
A. The employment is for practical training in the student's field of study. The student has been in the
educational program for at least 9 months and is eligible for the requested practical training in accordance
with INS regulations at 8CFR 214.2(f) (10).
B. The endorsement for off-campus employment is based on the wage-and-labor attestation filed by the
employer in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Secretary of Labor. The student has been
in F-1 status for at least one year and is in good academic standing. Copy of the employer's attestation is
C. The employment is for an internship with a recognized international organization and is within the scope of
the organization's sponsorship. The student has been in F-1 status for at least 9 months and is in good
academic standing.
10. Name and title of DSO.
11. Name of school: School file number: Telephone no.:
For Official Use only
(See instructions on reverse)
U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
OMB Approval No. 1115-0060
Certification by Designated School Official
This Section must be completed by the designated school official of the school the student
is attending or was last authorized to attend:
Microfilm Index Number:
Form I-538 (Rev. 09/18/00)Y