Entity Account Holder - Tax Transparency Certification Page 頁次 2/2
實體賬戶持有人 - 稅 務 合規 證 明書 OPS467 (250419) W
I declare that the information given and statements made in this form are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
correct and complete. 本人聲明就本人所知所信,本表格內所填報的所有資料和聲明均屬真實、正確和完備。
I agree that HSBC may use and disclose all personal data about me that HSBC currently or subsequently holds for the
purposes as set out in the Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, which is available on HSBC website
(www.business.hsbc.com.hk/PDPO). 本人同意滙豐可以根據列載於「關於個人資料(私隱)條例的通知」的用途,而使用和披
露滙豐目前或隨後持有的有關本人的所有個人資料。有關通知載於滙豐網站 (www.business.hsbc.com.hk/PDPO)。
Part 3: Signature 第 3 部:簽署
Name 姓名
Capacity 身分 ________________________________________
(Indicate the capacity if you are not the individual identified in Part 1. If signing
under a power of attorney, attach a certified true copy of the * power of attorney.
如您不是第 1 部所述的個人,說明您的身分。如果您是以獲授權人身分簽署這份表格,須
* The power of attorney must be in a form accepted by HSBC.
授權書必須採用滙豐認可的格式 。
Note 注意:
1. The term "Entity" means a legal person or a legal arrangement, such as a corporation, organisation, partnership, trust or foundation. This
term covers any person other than an individual (i.e. a natural person).
2. The "Account Holder" is the person listed or identified as the holder of a financial account by HSBC. This is regardless of whether such person
is a flow-through Entity. For example, if a trust or an estate is listed as the holder or owner of a financial account, the trust or estate is the
Account Holder, rather than the trustee or the beneficiaries. Similarly, if a partnership is listed as the holder or owner of a financial account,
the partnership is the Account Holder, rather than the partners in the partnership. 「賬戶持有人」指被滙豐列明為或識辨為賬戶的持有人的人士,
3. The term "Authorised Person" means one of the following in relation to an Entity Account Holder
a) an officer, director or equivalently authorised person of a corporate entity according to the law under which that corporate entity was
incorporated; 根據該實體公司註冊時依據的法律內的公司職員、董事或公司實體的同等獲授權人;
b) a partner of a partnership that has the legal authority to enter into legally binding agreements for the partnership according to the law
under which that partnership was established;
c) a trustee of a trust; and 信託的受託人;及
d) any other person with written authorisation from the entity referred to in a), b) or c) to sign documentation, including and equivalent to
this form, on behalf of that entity. 任何其他人士獲得 a)、b) 或 c) 所述之實體的書面授權代表該實體簽署文件,包括本表格及同等文件。
However, where the entity referred to in b) and c) is not a natural person, the Authorised Person is the natural person that has the legal
authority to enter into legally binding agreements for that entity according to the law under which that entity was established.
但是,如果 b) 及 c) 提及的實體不是自然人,獲授權人則是具有法律權力去根據該實體成立時所依據的法律為實體簽訂具有法律約束力的協議的自然人。
4. If you have any questions about the tax declaration in Part 2 of this form, please contact your tax adviser as we are not allowed to give tax
advice. 如您對本表格的第 2 部分「稅務聲明」有任何疑問,請諮詢您的稅務顧問。請恕我們不能提供稅務意見。