Published: 06/2020, CN: 12620 page 1 of 3
Filing Attorney Information or Pro Se Litigant
NJ Attorney ID Number
Daytime Phone
Email Address
Litigant Name
(check one) Plaintiff Defendant
Superior Court of New Jersey
Chancery Division – Family Part
Docket Number
Civil Action
Certification in Support of
Judgment of Divorce
I, , of full age, hereby certify:
1. I am the (check one) Plaintiff Defendant in this matter and I am filing this
Certification in support of my request for a Judgment of Divorce.
2. I understand that if a Property or Marital Settlement Agreement (Agreement) was
provided, that I have the right to an independent review of the agreement.
3. The Agreement was the result of negotiations between the plaintiff and defendant.
4. I request the incorporation of the Agreement into the Final Judgment of Divorce.
5. I understand that if the Agreement is made a part of the Final Judgment of Divorce,
it will be as enforceable as any other court order.
6. I have read and understand the Agreement fully and that it is fair and reasonable.
7. I understand that the court is not going to decide on the merits of the Agreement,
only that it finds the Agreement to be fair and reasonable.
8. I was not coerced or forced into the Agreement.
9. I agree to be bound by the terms of the Agreement and am asking the judge to make
the Agreement part of the Final Judgment of Divorce.
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10. I was not under the influence of any drug or alcohol at the time of I negotiated, read
and signed the Agreement that would impair my ability to understand the nature of
the Agreement.
11. Alimony (check one)
a. Alimony is not being paid as part of the Agreement. I acknowledge that my
lifestyle can be maintained as it was during the marriage or I understand that my
lifestyle cannot be maintained and want to enter into the Agreement knowing
that my lifestyle cannot be maintained; or
b. Alimony is being paid as part of the Agreement. I acknowledge that my lifestyle
can be maintained as it was during the marriage or I understand that my lifestyle
will not be maintained and want to enter into the Agreement knowing that my
lifestyle cannot be maintained.
i. Attached to this certification is a Marital Lifestyle Statement (only needed
by one party) which is a Case Information Statement that reflects the
income and expenses of the parties during the marriage.
ii. Parties must indicate that they agree that the Marital Lifestyle Statement
correctly reflects their expenditures during the marriage.
iii. Attached is a current, less than one year old, Case Information Statement.
12. The Agreement incorporates all the terms of the agreement and that there are no
remaining issues or side agreements not contained in the Agreement.
13. I am are aware that I am waiving the right to have the judge decide the issues.
14. I have no other prior or pending court cases with the other party.
15. I have the following prior and/or pending court cases with the other party in this or
any other jurisdiction. (Include the caption, docket number and a brief description
of the status of the cases.)
16. No property was acquired during the marriage that is subject to equitable
distribution unless a final order or Agreement has been entered that resolved this
17. I am not seeking child support, custody, or any other form of relief unless a final
order has been entered that resolved these issues.
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18. The statutory grounds for annulment have been met in my Complaint for
19. I am requesting the continuation of prior final orders (include copies of the orders).
i. There are no other outstanding property or debt to be distributed.
ii. There are no other outstanding issues between the plaintiff and defendant
iii. I understand that all prior orders not specifically referenced in the Final
Judgment of Divorce or dissolution will be vacated upon the entering of
the Final Judgment, but no restraining order entered under the Prevention
of Domestic Violence Act shall be vacated by the entry of the Judgment of
iv. I wish to continue a restraining order previously entered under the
Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.
20. Name Change
i. I have not been convicted of a crime under the name used during the
marriage; and
ii. I am not the subject of any criminal investigation or prosecution; and
iii. I am not contemplating the filing of a bankruptcy; and
iv. I am not changing my name to avoid creditors; and
v. I am including the last 4 digits of my social security number and full date
of birth in the proposed Judgment of Divorce.
I certify that the statements made above are true. I am aware that if any of the statements made
by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment by the Court.
(check one) Plaintiff Defendant