School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Continuing Studies Email: 36 South Wabash Ave., suite 1201, Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: 312.629.6170 Fax: 312.629.6171
Student Checklist
!! Register for your remaining course requirement(s).
!! Complete and sign this form to indicate that you will be completing your certificate program coursework soon.
o! Email to: with a subject line including your name and “Certificate Program Completion Form”
!! Fulfill the certificate program portfolio review requirement by participating in Portfolio Review Day.
o! All students will receive an email at the beginning of fall and spring semesters with instructions regarding how to register for a portfolio review and
guidelines about what to bring to your appointment.
o! The portfolio review must take place within two semesters of successfully completing required certificate program coursework.
!! Submit at least three (3) digital images of your work, accompanied by a signed consent form for your alumni record.
o! Please submit images on or before the day of your portfolio review.
o! Email to: with a subject line including your name and “Certificate Program Student Work”.
o! Images should be 300 dpi JPEG files.
o! Please name your files: FirstName LastName, Title/FileName, Medium, MMYYYY (eg. John Doe, Light Design, Digital Illustration, 052016.jpg)
Certificate of Recognition
A Certificate of Recognition will be mailed to you at the address below. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the date that all required materials have been received and
coursework is completed for processing. (Note: Required materials include the complete Certificate Program Completion Form, digital images of your work, and
portfolio review.) Once received, you will be eligible for the 25% SAIC alumni discount on future Adult Continuing Education courses.
Student information
Student Name: ID#:
Address: City: State: Zip:
(This is the address your certificate will be mailed to.)
Email: Phone:
Certificate Program Name:
" Certificate in Studio Art & Design " Drawing Certificate " Fashion Certificate " Graphic Design Certificate
" Interior Design Certificate " Other:
List completed certificate program courses (include course title and semester taken):
Student Signature
Certificate Program Completion Form
click to sign
click to edit
I!hereby!gr an t !p er m is s io n !to !th e !S ch o o l!o f!t h e!A r t!In st itu te !o f!C h ic ag o !(“SA IC”)!and!its!agents!to!record!
and!use,!reproduce,!modify,!distrib ute ,!and !pu blicly!ex hib it!such !reco rdin gs,!in!whole!or!in!part,!without!
restrictions!or!limitation s!for!an y!pu rp os e!tha t!SAIC !de em s!ap p rop riate !includin g !d iss ert at ion s ,!ad v e rtisin g ,!
publicity,!and!Internet!(SAIC!website)!purposes.!I!further!consen t!to !th e !u s e !o f!m y!nam e,!voice,!and!biographical!
I!understa n d !th a t!a s !p ar t!o f!th e !P ro g ra m ,!I!may!create !o r!p a rt icip a te !in !th e !c re at ion!of!art!projects.!On!behalf!of!
I!waive,!on !b e h a lf!o f!myself,!any !rig h t!to !in s p ec t!o r!a p p ro v e !th e !images!des c rib e d !above!and!I!understand!that!the!
images!u se d !m a y !b e!d ist o rte d ,!blu rr ed ,!o r!a lte red .!I!a ls o !u nd e rs ta n d!t h at !p u blic a tion !o f!th e!images!is!w ith in !th e !
On!behalf!of!myself,!I!waive,!release,!and!hold!harmless!SAIC!from!any!claims!related!to!the!images!de scrib ed!
above!or!the!exercise!of!the!rights!and!permissions!granted!herein,!including!claims!for!com pe n sa tio n ,!c laims!of!
Signature of student
Print name
Course Title
Instructor Name