Name: ______________________ ID #:__________________ Date:___________________
*Students are required to complete 18 credit hours with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA*
At least nine hours must be completed at the 300/400 level
Approved Elective Course List for the Conflict Analysis and Resolution Certificate
Ethics in Criminal Justice
Race, Gender, and Inequality in the Criminal Justice System
Discussion and Group Methods ( Previously: SPCH-S 229)
Colonial North America, 1500-1763
Revolutionary America, 1763-1791
Civil Rights Era in the United States
Europe: Anti-Semitism, Enlightenment to the Holocaust
Europe from Napoleon to the First World War, 1948-1945
Europe in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1945
Latin America: Conquest and Empire
Latin America: Evolution and Revolution
The World in the Twentieth Century
Debate, Argument, and Persuasion
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Introduction to International Relations
Political Simulations (1 cr.) *Repeatable two times
Introduction to Asian Politics
Special Topics in Political Science: Theories of Power
Social Movements and Collective Action
Certificate Requirements (18 cr.) All courses require a grade of C- or higher
CJUS-P 313 Conflict Management
Choose Two Courses from the Following (6cr.)
BUS-M 421 Fundamentals of Negotiation
PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics
PSY-P 321 Group Dynamics
SOC-R 318 The Self and Social Interaction
CMCL-C 427 Cross Cultural Communication
Choose three elective courses from the approved Elective List Below (9cr.)
Indiana University Southeast
Certificate in Conflict Analysis and Resolution