Version — 30 September 2019 Form IS2 – Certificate - Alteration of rules Page 1 of 2
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Send completed forms to: Companies Office, Private Bag 92061, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 or
Certificate - Alteration of rules
Section 21 Incorporated Societies Act 1908
Society name
Society number or NZBN
1. Does this rule change include a change to the society name?
No Yes
If yes, what is the proposed society name?
The society’s name must end with the word ‘Incorporated’. The proposed name cannot be identical or deceptively similar to
that of another body corporate (such as a company or another incorporated society). If the other organisation gives its
consent to use the name, attach their written consent to this certificate as a supporting document.
We have checked that the proposed new name of the society is available.
Note — You can check that the name you’ve chosen is available to use by using the search options provided by the
following Companies Office websites.
› Search the Incorporated Societies Register
› Search the Companies Register
› Search our other registers
Read our online help guide on choosing a name for your society
for links to these search options.
2. Attach a copy of the rule alteration
This can either be a complete copy of the updated rules with the alterations underlined or in bold type, or a copy of the
particular rule(s) that were altered. See page 2 of this form for a checklist of what must be included in your rules.
A copy of the rule alteration(s) is attached and has been signed by 3 members of the society.