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SuPPleMental inforMation requireMentS
The West Virginia Attorney General’s ofce also requests the following information:
1. Corporate documents evidencing ofcers and ownership of the NPM;
2. Afdavit from the president of the NPM attesting that it physically manufactures its
cigarettes at its manufacturing facility;
3. The complete address of any facility where the NPM manufactures its cigarettes;
4. Complete list of the brand names of all cigarettes the NPM manufactures or has
manufactured, regardless of where the cigarettes are sold;
5. Copy of the permit as a manufacturer or importer of tobacco products required pursuant to
26 U.S.C. §§ 5712 and 5713; see also 27 C.F.R. Parts 40.62 and 40.375;
6. Copy of the current letter from the HHS/CDC Ofce of Smoking and Health approving the
ingredient reporting;
7. Copy of the current complete rotation plan, including package samples, submitted to the
FTC for approval for each brand;
8. Copy of the FTC rotation plan approval letter for each brand;
9. If the NPM is located in a foreign country:
a. Copy of the license, permit or other registration document required by the government
of the foreign country for a tobacco manufacturer whose manufacturing facilities are
located in such country;
b. Copy of the letter the NPM provides to the importer to comply with 19 U.S.C. § 1681a;
c. Copies of representative brand Custom Forms 7501 for each of the proceeding two
calendar years;
d. If the brand bears a U.S. registered trademark, a certicate signed by the owner of the
trademark stating that, under penalty of perjury, the owner consents to the importation
of cigarettes into the U.S.
e. A certicate signed by the importer stating that, under penalty of perjury, the consent
referred to in the previous paragraph is accurate, remains in effect and has not been