Central Texas College
Continuing Education
Dear Prospective Instructor:
Thank you very much for your interest in teaching a non-credit short course, workshop or
seminar through the Central Texas College Continuing Education Program. A general
information sheet and a course proposal form are included.
The course proposal form will ask you a series of questions to assist you in putting your
thoughts on paper to communicate to us what you plan to cover and how you plan to conduct
the class. Examples of course descriptions and instructor biographies can be found in our
current course schedule. In reading various descriptions, you will notice that if handouts or a
book are to be supplied by the instructor, the students are asked to reimburse the cost of such
materials to the instructor the first night of the class. Please estimate the cost of handouts at
approximately 10¢/page. If students will purchase supplies for a project, please estimate the
amount they should plan to spend.
Please tell us how many times you feel the class should meet and which days of the week and
hours you prefer to teach. We recommend you limit the number of class meetings to a minimum
to adequately cover the content. Adult students are very busy people and are hesitant
to commit to a large number of meetings, unless it is absolutely necessary. Shorter classes also
help keep course fees lower.
The course outline can be very general at this point; just an outline telling us what you will
cover the first meeting, what you will cover the second meeting, etc. We will use the
information to make a decision whether or not to offer your class. If you prepare a more
detailed outline later for your own use in the classroom, we would appreciate receiving a copy
for the permanent course file. Please return the application and proposal(s) as soon as
possible. Application deadlines per course schedule are listed on the following page.
Thank you again for your interest in our program. We look forward to learning about your
course ideas and possibly working with you. If you have any questions about the application
process, please call the Continuing Education Department to speak with a coordinator at 254-
Teresa Chavez
Central Texas College
Continuing Education
Personal & Professional Development
Purpose of Continuing Education: The purpose of Continuing Education is to provide an
opportunity for people to pursue lifelong learning. Everyone has a different reason for taking a
class. Some students enroll to learn something applicable to their career; others enroll to meet
people, learn a new skill or just have fun!
Sessions: There are three course schedules printed per year. Course schedules are divided
into Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Fall Early September Early December
Proposal Deadline June 15
Spring Mid January-End of May
Proposal Deadline September 15
Summer Early June Mid August
Proposal Deadline March 15
Class Location: Nearly all of our classes are taught on the Central Texas College main
campus. However, some instructors have access to off campus facilities located in surrounding
Role of the Teacher: The teacher is expected to design the course, effectively convey the
information contained in the course description as distributed to participants and to take
responsibility for positive leadership of the class.
Class Details: The instructor determines the number of class sessions, days of the week and
preferred hours to teach.
Compensation: New instructors are usually compensated $12 per instructional hour.
Instructor Selection Process: Instructors may apply to teach at any time.
1. Submit a completed Central Texas College Application for Employment and a
Course Proposal form. If you have questions, we will be glad to assist you in
completing your Course Proposal form.
2. After we have had an opportunity to review your course proposal and application, we
will either call you to come in for an interview or notify you that we have decided not
to offer the class you proposed.
Continuing Education Office: The Continuing Education office is in Building 136
in Room 139, located on the main Central Texas College Campus (the corner of
Clear Creek and Central Texas College Drive). We can be reached Monday through
Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm, and Friday, 8 to 11 am.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Coordinator:
Morgan Matlock:
by phone at 254-526-1586 or by email at morgan.matlock@ctcd.edu
Sarah Mylcraine
by phone at 254-526-1690 or by email at sarah.mylcraine@ctcd.edu
Thank you for your inquiry about teaching. We appreciate your interest in the Continuing
Education program. Should you decide to mail your application, please send it to the following
Continuing Education/CTC
PO Box 1800, Killeen
TX 76540
Central Texas College
Continuing Education
Personal & Professional Development
Please type or print legibly
Home Phone
Work Phone
Mobile Phone Email
What special experience, education or/and certifications qualifies you to
teach this course?
PREREQUISITES (Are there any prerequisites for the class: music reading ability, basic computer
knowing certain ballet steps, etc.?)
COURSE DESCRIPTION (Write a short but detailed paragraph describing the course. This will be
the basis of what we use in our
COURSE OUTLINE (List material to be learned during each class period. Attach an additional sheet is
CLASS FORMAT (Explain the teaching techniques to be used: lecture, demonstration, practice under
supervision, small group work etc.)
INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHY (Write a one sentence biography that can be placed at the end of the course
description explaining your qualifications to teach the class.)
CLOTHING (Is there any special clothing students should wear?)
MATERIALS/HANDOUTS/SUPPLIES (What supplies will the students be expected to purchase?
they be purchasing a 20-page resource book from you, food costs, art supplies, etc?).
Item Quantity Cost
FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (Class will be scheduled in a regular academic classroom with
dry erase board unless you request otherwise.)
Continuing Education, Central Texas College
PO Box 1800, Killeen, Texas 76540-1800, 254/526-1586
Email: morgan.matlock@ctcd.edu or sarah.mylcraine@ctcd.edu
Total classroom hours needed to cover material
Days of the week
Number of meetings__________ Number of hours each meeting ____________
Class times:______________________________________________________
(Example: 8 total hours, Mondays, 4 meetings, 2 hours each, 6-8 pm)
Minimum number of students you will teach:
Maximum number of students you will teach:
Proposed start date of first class: