that they participate in the Central Hudson’s Energy Efficiency program at the sole discretion of
the utility and the implementing contractor and are subject to removal from the program and
discontinuation of eligibility to market incentives to Central Hudson’s customers if they fail to
comply with the terms and spirit of this Agreement or if Central Hudson or the implementing
contractor in its discretion shall elect to terminate this agreement with the participating
contractor. In the event a participating contractor is removed from the program, they shall
immediately cease promoting their participation in Central Hudson’s Energy Efficiency Programs
and shall return (at their own expense) any marketing material provided by the program. A
removed participating contractor shall not be eligible for consideration to be reinstated for twelve
calendar months from the date of notification of removal. A removed participating contractor
shall have a one-time option to appeal the removal decision in writing to the implementing
contractor. All decisions of the utility and the implementing contractor shall be final and binding.
The following guidelines apply:
• Participating contractor shall maintain any and all relevant licenses as required by
federal, state, county, or municipal government for work in the trades that it undertakes
through this program.
• Participating contractor shall maintain general liability insurance coverage of at least
$ 1 million.
• Participating contractors shall maintain effective procedures for quality control,
resolution of customer complaints or disputes, and response to customer
• Participating contractors shall properly represent the relationship between the
participating contractor, the utility and the implementing contractor. The participating
contractor and its employees shall not represent themselves as employees and/or
agents of, or certified by the utility or the implementing contractor.
• The participating contractor acknowledges and agrees that the participating
contractor’s participation in the program is in no way to be construed as an
endorsement by the utility or the implementing contractor of the participating
contractor’s work.
• The participating contractor is acting as an independent contractor under this program,
and has the sole right and obligation to supervise, manage, contract, direct, procure,
perform or cause to be performed, all work to be provided to customers in connection
with the program.
Incentive Eligibility:
Incentives for the same equipment installation will not be paid to customers or contractors who
may apply for incentives through other state energy efficiency programs. The participating
contractor will inform and educate customers that they are ineligible to apply for incentives from
other state energy efficiency programs for the same equipment installation, with the exception of
applying for tax credits from state and or federal governments.
Post-Installation Work Verification:
Central Hudson or its program implementer may conduct random field inspections on work
performed under this Agreement in order to maintain the quality standards sought by this
program. If an inspection by the utility, the implementing contractor or any other entity
authorized by the utility determines that actual field conditions do not corroborate conditions
indicated on a participating contractor’s and/or customer’s application, he/she may become
ineligible for the incentive applied for. A participating contractor’s failure to meet minimum
program standards and correct deficiencies may lead to the participating contractor being
removed from the program and rendering the participating contractor and their customers
ineligible to receive future incentives under the program.