CBE Workload Request
(To Be Given to the Department Chair by April 30, 20____)
Department: ___________________________________ _______
My faculty Qualification Status is:
Scholarly Practitioner (SP)
Instructional Practitioner (IP)
I would like to apply for:
3-3 teaching load for the upcoming year
Documentation of Intellectual Contributions (Attach additional information, if any.)
1) Completed in the time period June 1, 20 through May 31, 20 :
A. R
efereed Journal Articles:
B. O
2) Forthcoming in the time period June 1, 20____ through May 31, 20____:
(Indicate the current status: accepted, submitted, manuscript, etc)
A. Ref
ereed Journal Articles:
B. O
Faculty Member Date
Assigned a ______ teaching load: